
Frontotemporal dementia versus Alzheimer's disease: differential cognitive features.


Mendez MF, Cherrier M, Perryman KM, Pachana N, Miller BL, Cummings JL

Decreased receptor-mediated calcium response in prion-infected cells correlates with decreased membrane fluidity and IP3 release.


Wong K, Qiu Y, Hyun W, Nixon R, VanCleff J, Sanchez-Salazar J, Prusiner SB, DeArmond SJ

Decreased receptor-mediated calcium response in prion-infected cells correlates with decreased membrane fluidity and IP3 release.


Wong K, Qiu Y, Hyun W, Nixon R, VanCleff J, Sanchez-Salazar J, Prusiner SB, DeArmond SJ

Scrapie in mice deficient in apolipoprotein E or glial fibrillary acidic protein.


Tatzelt J, Maeda N, Pekny M, Yang SL, Betsholtz C, Eliasson C, Cayetano J, Camerino AP, DeArmond SJ, Prusiner SB

Scrapie in mice deficient in apolipoprotein E or glial fibrillary acidic protein.


Tatzelt J, Maeda N, Pekny M, Yang SL, Betsholtz C, Eliasson C, Cayetano J, Camerino AP, DeArmond SJ, Prusiner SB

Neural basis of confabulation.


Benson DF, Djenderedjian A, Miller BL, Pachana NA, Chang L, Itti L, Mena I

Neural basis of confabulation.


Benson DF, Djenderedjian A, Miller BL, Pachana NA, Chang L, Itti L, Mena I

Prion disease (PrP-A117V) presenting with ataxia instead of dementia.


Mastrianni JA, Curtis MT, Oberholtzer JC, Da Costa MM, DeArmond S, Prusiner SB, Garbern JY

Prion disease (PrP-A117V) presenting with ataxia instead of dementia.


Mastrianni JA, Curtis MT, Oberholtzer JC, Da Costa MM, DeArmond S, Prusiner SB, Garbern JY

Elevation of microtubule-associated protein tau in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with Alzheimer's disease.


Vigo-Pelfrey C, Seubert P, Barbour R, Blomquist C, Lee M, Lee D, Coria F, Chang L, Miller B, Lieberburg I
