Brain stimulation

Technical challenges in developing chronic adaptive deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease.

Brain stimulation

Carina Oehrn, Stephanie Cernera, Lauren Hammer, Maria Shcherbakova, Jiaang Yao, Amelia Hahn, Sarah Wang, Jill Ostrem, Simon Little, Philip Starr

Neural Oscillations Inform Deep Brain Stimulation For Cognitive And Motor Symptoms In Parkinson’s Disease.

Brain stimulation

Carina R. Oehrn, Narges Salehi, Immo Weber, Wiebke Petershagen, Stephanie Cernera, Lauren H. Hammer, Maria Shcherbakova, Jiaang Yao, Amelia Hahn, Sarah Wang, Jill L. Ostrem, Simon Little, Philip A. Starr

Thalamic transcranial ultrasound stimulation in treatment resistant depression.

Brain stimulation

Fan JM, Woodworth K, Murphy KR, Hinkley L, Cohen JL, Yoshimura J, Choi I, Tremblay-McGaw AG, Mergenthaler J, Good CH, Pellionisz PA, Lee AM, Di Ianni T, Sugrue LP, Krystal AD

Intracranial beta activity is a biomarker of circadian and stimulation-induced arousal in obsessive compulsive disorder.

Brain stimulation

Fan JM, De B, Frank AC, Basich-Pease G, Norbu T, Morrison MA, Larson P, Starr PA, Krystal AD, Lee AM

Intracranial electrical stimulation of corticolimbic sites modulates arousal in humans.

Brain stimulation

Fan JM, Lee AM, Sellers KK, Woodworth K, Makhoul GS, Liu TX, Henderson C, Astudillo Maya DA, Martinez R, Zamanian H, Speidel BA, Khambhati AN, Rao VR, Sugrue LP, Scangos KW, Chang EF, Krystal AD

Epileptiform discharges triggered with direct electrical stimulation for treatment-resistant depression: Factors that modulate risk and treatment considerations.

Brain stimulation

Fan JM, Khambhati AN, Sellers KK, Stapper N, Maya DA, Kunwar E, Henderson C, Sugrue LP, Scangos KW, Chang EF, Rao VR, Krystal AD

Preoperative diffusion MRI features relate to longitudinal changes in Parkinson’s medications after DBS.

Brain stimulation

Lucia West, Sarah Wang, Ian Bledsoe, Jill Ostrem, Philip Starr, Doris Wang, Melanie Morrison

Efficacy and Safety of Low-field Synchronized Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (sTMS) for Treatment of Major Depression.

Brain stimulation

Leuchter AF, Cook IA, Feifel D, Goethe JW, Husain M, Carpenter LL, Thase ME, Krystal AD, Philip NS, Bhati MT, Burke WJ, Howland RH, Sheline YI, Aaronson ST, Iosifescu DV, O'Reardon JP, Gilmer WS, Jain R, Burgoyne KS, Phillips B, Manberg PJ, Massaro J, Hunter AM, Lisanby SH, George MS

Efficacy and Safety of Low-field Synchronized Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (sTMS) for Treatment of Major Depression.

Brain stimulation

Leuchter AF, Cook IA, Feifel D, Goethe JW, Husain M, Carpenter LL, Thase ME, Krystal AD, Philip NS, Bhati MT, Burke WJ, Howland RH, Sheline YI, Aaronson ST, Iosifescu DV, O'Reardon JP, Gilmer WS, Jain R, Burgoyne KS, Phillips B, Manberg PJ, Massaro J, Hunter AM, Lisanby SH, George MS

Durability of clinical benefit with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in the treatment of pharmacoresistant major depression: assessment of relapse during a 6-month, multisite, open-label study.

Brain stimulation

Janicak PG, Nahas Z, Lisanby SH, Solvason HB, Sampson SM, McDonald WM, Marangell LB, Rosenquist P, McCall WV, Kimball J, O'Reardon JP, Loo C, Husain MH, Krystal A, Gilmer W, Dowd SM, Demitrack MA, Schatzberg AF
