Lea Grinberg, MD, PhD

Memory and Aging Center

Dr. Lea Tenenholz Grinberg is a neuropathologist specializing in brain aging and associated disorders, most notably, Alzheimer's and neurological basis of sleep disturbances in neurodegenerative diseases. Currently, she is a Full Professor and a John Douglas French Alzheimer's Foundation Endowed Professor at the UCSF Memory and Aging Center, part of the Executive Board of the Global Brain Health Institute and a member of the Medical Scientific Advisory Group for the Alzheimer Association. She is also a Professor of Pathology at the University of Sao Paulo.

In 2003, Dr. Grinberg was among the founders of a brain bank in São Paulo, focusing on brain aging. This brain bank which she had since developed into an extremely prolific and highly-regarded institution, helped Dr. Grinberg prove that, contrary to what has been accepted previously, the brainstem and not the cortex, harbors the first detectable neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease. In 2009, she was the recipient of the UNESCO-L'Oréal Award "For Women in Science," and in 2010, she received the John Douglas French Alzheimer Foundation "Distinguished Research Scholar Award." Currently, Dr. Grinberg is the Co-Leader of the UCSF/Neurodegenerative Disease Brain Bank, where she conducts neuropathological diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases. She also directs the Human Biology Validation Core for the NIH/U54 Tau Centers Without Walls, is a principal investigator from the Tau Consortium and co-leads the Neuropathology Core for the LEADS project.

The Grinberg Lab
The Grinberg Lab at UCSF, established in 2009, is now home to almost 20 researchers, students, and staff and funded by multiple federal and foundation grants. The Lab combines classical quantitative neuropathological techniques with advanced computer vision tools and multiplex molecular probing in postmortem human tissue and neurons derived from induced pluripotent cells. The Grinberg Lab follows up on Dr. Grinberg's initial discoveries to provide an integrated picture of brainstem vulnerability in AD and FTLD, including extensive studies on the neurobiological basis of sleep disturbances in these diseases aiming to provide personalized symptomatic treatment and improve the patient quality of life. The Grinberg Lab also investigates the factors influencing the clinical expression of Alzheimer's pathology to lead to better diagnostic tools, the identification of risk factors for accelerated decline, and the therapeutic targets that minimize the clinical decline in AD.


Sex and the Clock: Exploring Sex Differences in Chronotype and Circadian Preferences Among Cognitively Healthy Older Adults.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Pandher NS, Yack L, Li E, Coppola Q, Cassaletto K, Grinberg LT, Neylan TC, Kramer JH, Walsh CM

Hypertension may associate with cerebral small vessel disease and infarcts through the pathway of intracranial atherosclerosis.

Neurobiology of aging

Takahashi MKN, Paradela RS, Grinberg LT, Leite REP, Farias-Itao DS, Paes VR, Braga ME, Naslavsky MS, Zatz M, Jacob-Filho W, Nitrini R, Pasqualucci CA, Suemoto CK

Comprehensive mapping of synaptic vesicle protein 2A (SV2A) in health and neurodegenerative diseases: a comparative analysis with synaptophysin and ground truth for PET-imaging interpretation.

Acta neuropathologica

Shanaki Bavarsad M, Spina S, Oehler A, Allen IE, Suemoto CK, Leite REP, Seeley WS, Green A, Jagust W, Rabinovici GD, Grinberg LT

Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor ADGRG1 promotes protective microglial response in Alzheimer's disease.

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology

Zhu B, Wangzhou A, Yu D, Li T, Schmidt R, De Florencio SL, Chao L, Perez Y, Grinberg LT, Spina S, Ransohoff RM, Kriegstein AR, Seeley WW, Nowakowski T, Piao X

Biomarker-Based Approach to α-Synucleinopathies: Lessons from Neuropathology.

Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society

Kovacs GG, Grinberg LT, Halliday G, Alafuzoff I, Dugger BN, Murayama S, Forrest SL, Martinez-Valbuena I, Tanaka H, Kon T, Yoshida K, Jaunmuktane Z, Spina S, Nelson PT, Gentleman S, Alegre-Abarrategui J, Serrano GE, Paes VR, Takao M, Wakabayashi K, Uchihara T, Yoshida M, Saito Y, Kofler J, Rodriguez RD, Gelpi E, Attems J, Crary JF, Seeley WW, Duda JE, Keene CD, Woulfe J, Munoz D, Smith C, Lee EB, Neumann M, White CL, McKee AC, Thal DR, Jellinger K, Ghetti B, Mackenzie IRA, Dickson DW, Beach TG

Cross-disorder and disease-specific pathways in dementia revealed by single-cell genomics.


Rexach JE, Cheng Y, Chen L, Polioudakis D, Lin LC, Mitri V, Elkins A, Han X, Yamakawa M, Yin A, Calini D, Kawaguchi R, Ou J, Huang J, Williams C, Robinson J, Gaus SE, Spina S, Lee EB, Grinberg LT, Vinters H, Trojanowski JQ, Seeley WW, Malhotra D, Geschwind DH

Health literacy, but not memory, is associated with hippocampal connectivity in adults with low levels of formal education.

Alzheimer's & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

de Paula França Resende E, Lara VP, Santiago ALC, Friedlaender CV, Rosen HJ, Brown JA, Cobigo Y, Silva LLG, Cruz de Souza L, Rincon L, Grinberg LT, Maciel FIP, Caramelli P

Frontotemporal lobar degeneration targets brain regions linked to expression of recently evolved genes.

Brain : a journal of neurology

Pasquini L, Pereira FL, Seddighi S, Zeng Y, Wei Y, Illán-Gala I, Vatsavayai SC, Friedberg A, Lee AJ, Brown JA, Spina S, Grinberg LT, Sirkis DW, Bonham LW, Yokoyama JS, Boxer AL, Kramer JH, Rosen HJ, Humphrey J, Gitler AD, Miller BL, Pollard KS, Ward ME, Seeley WW

Clinical implications of head trauma in frontotemporal dementia and primary progressive aphasia.

Alzheimer's research & therapy

Asken BM, Bove JM, Bauer RM, Tanner JA, Casaletto KB, Staffaroni AM, VandeVrede L, Alosco ML, Mez JB, Stern RA, Miller BL, Grinberg LT, Boxer AL, Gorno-Tempini ML, Rosen HJ, Rabinovici GD, Kramer JH

Don't die like me: Which proteins are responsible for the selective neuronal vulnerability within the substantia nigra?

PloS one

Steinbach S, Molina M, Grinberg LT, Aring L, Guntermann A, Marcus K, Heinsen H, Paraizo Leite RE, May C

Locus coeruleus integrity and neuropsychiatric symptoms in a cohort of early- and late-onset Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Falgàs N, Peña-González M, Val-Guardiola A, Pérez-Millan A, Guillén N, Sarto J, Esteller D, Bosch B, Fernández-Villullas G, Tort-Merino A, Mayà G, Augé JM, Iranzo A, Balasa M, Lladó A, Morales-Ruiz M, Bargalló N, Muñoz-Moreno E, Grinberg LT, Sánchez-Valle R

Comorbid neuropathology and atypical presentation of Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Pina-Escudero SD, La Joie R, Spina S, Hwang JH, Miller ZA, Huang EJ, Grant H, Mundada NS, Boxer AL, Gorno-Tempini ML, Rosen HJ, Kramer JH, Miller BL, Seeley WW, Rabinovici GD, Grinberg LT

Insufficient evidence for an association between iatrogenic Alzheimer's disease and cadaveric pituitary-derived growth hormone.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Nath A, Holtzman DM, Miller BL, Grinberg LT, Leschek EW

iPSC-induced neurons with the V337M MAPT mutation are selectively vulnerable to caspase-mediated cleavage of tau and apoptotic cell death.

Molecular and cellular neurosciences

Theofilas P, Wang C, Butler D, Morales DO, Petersen C, Ambrose A, Chin B, Yang T, Khan S, Ng R, Kayed R, Karch CM, Miller BL, Gestwicki JE, Gan L, Temple S, Arkin MR, Grinberg LT

CSF Proteomics in Patients With Progressive Supranuclear Palsy.


Wise A, Li J, Yamakawa M, Loureiro J, Peterson B, Worringer K, Sivasankaran R, Palma JA, Mitic L, Heuer HW, Lario-Lago A, Staffaroni AM, Clark A, Taylor J, Ljubenkov PA, Vandevrede L, Grinberg LT, Spina S, Seeley WW, Miller BL, Boeve BF, Dickerson BC, Grossman M, Litvan I, Pantelyat A, Tartaglia MC, Zhang Z, Wills AA, Rexach J, Rojas JC, Boxer AL, as the 4-Repeat Tauopathy Neuroimaging Initiative

Neuropathological Lesions and Cognitive Abilities in Black and White Older Adults in Brazil.

JAMA network open

Suemoto CK, Leite REP, Paes VR, Rodriguez R, Justo AFO, Naslavsky MS, Zatz M, Pasqualucci CA, Nitrini R, Ferriolli E, Jacob-Filho W, Grinberg LT

Episodic memory improvement in illiterate adults attending late-life education irrespective of low socioeconomic status: insights from the PROAME study.

Dementia & neuropsychologia

Ruppert EP, Rocha JVF, da Silva AL, Tomaz KLDS, Friedlaender CV, Assenção JCM, Rincon LP, Ribeiro NGF, Santos DCS, Lima APZ, Allen IE, Caramelli P, Grinberg LT, Maciel FIP, Resende EPF

Deciphering Distinct Genetic Risk Factors for FTLD-TDP Pathological Subtypes via Whole-Genome Sequencing.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Pottier C, Küçükali F, Baker M, Batzler A, Jenkins GD, van Blitterswijk M, Vicente CT, De Coster W, Wynants S, Van de Walle P, Ross OA, Murray ME, Faura J, Haggarty SJ, van Rooij JG, Mol MO, Hsiung GR, Graff C, Öijerstedt L, Neumann M, Asmann Y, McDonnell SK, Baheti S, Josephs KA, Whitwell JL, Bieniek KF, Forsberg L, Heuer H, Lago AL, Geier EG, Yokoyama JS, Oddi AP, Flanagan M, Mao Q, Hodges JR, Kwok JB, Domoto-Reilly K, Synofzik M, Wilke C, Onyike C, Dickerson BC, Evers BM, Dugger BN, Munoz DG, Keith J, Zinman L, Rogaeva E, Suh E, Gefen T, Geula C, Weintraub S, Diehl-Schmid J, Farlow MR, Edbauer D, Woodruff BK, Caselli RJ, Donker Kaat LL, Huey ED, Reiman EM, Mead S, King A, Roeber S, Nana AL, Ertekin-Taner N, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Petrucelli L, Uitti RJ, Wszolek ZK, Ramos EM, Grinberg LT, Gorno Tempini ML, Rosen HJ, Spina S, Piguet O, Grossman M, Trojanowski JQ, Keene DC, Lee-Way J, Prudlo J, Geschwind DH, Rissman RA, Cruchaga C, Ghetti B, Halliday GM, Beach TG, Serrano GE, Arzberger T, Herms J, Boxer AL, Honig LS, Vonsattel JP, Lopez OL, Kofler J, White CL, Gearing M, Glass J, Rohrer JD, Irwin DJ, Lee EB, Van Deerlin V, Castellani R, Mesulam MM, Tartaglia MC, Finger EC, Troakes C, Al-Sarraj S, Miller BL, Seelaar H, Graff-Radford NR, Boeve BF, Mackenzie IR, van Swieten JC, Seeley WW, Sleegers K, Dickson DW, Biernacka JM, Rademakers R

Advancements in dementia research, diagnostics, and care in Latin America: Highlights from the 2023 Alzheimer's Association International conference satellite symposium in Mexico City.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Sosa AL, Brucki SM, Crivelli L, Lopera FJ, Acosta DM, Acosta-Uribe J, Aguilar D, Aguilar-Navarro SG, Allegri RF, Bertolucci PH, Calandri IL, Carrillo MC, Mendez PAC, Cornejo-Olivas M, Custodio N, Damian A, de Souza LC, Duran-Aniotz C, García AM, García-Peña C, Gonzales MM, Grinberg LT, Ibanez AM, Illanes-Manrique MZ, Jack CR, Leon-Salas JM, Llibre-Guerra JJ, Luna-Muñoz J, Matallana D, Miller BL, Naci L, Parra MA, Pericak-Vance M, Piña-Escudero SD, França Resende EP, Ringman JM, Sevlever G, Slachevsky A, Suemoto CK, Valcour V, Villegas-Lanau A, Yassuda MS, Mahinrad S, Sexton C

The wake and sleep-modulating neurons of the lateral hypothalamic area demonstrate a differential pattern of degeneration in Alzheimer's disease.

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology

Satpati A, Soloviev AV, Pereira FL, Mladinov M, Larsen E, Leite REP, Suemoto CK, Rodriguez RD, Paes VR, Walsh C, Spina S, Seeley WW, Pasqualucci CA, Filho WJ, Neylan TC, Grinberg LT

Cell autonomous microglia defects in a stem cell model of frontotemporal dementia.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Iyer AK, Vermunt L, Mirfakhar FS, Minaya M, Acquarone M, Koppisetti RK, Renganathan A, You SF, Danhash EP, Verbeck A, Galasso G, Lee SM, Marsh J, Nana AL, Spina S, Seeley WW, Grinberg LT, Temple S, Teunissen CE, Sato C, Karch CM

The 2022 symposium on dementia and brain aging in low- and middle-income countries: Highlights on research, diagnosis, care, and impact.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Kalaria R, Maestre G, Mahinrad S, Acosta DM, Akinyemi RO, Alladi S, Allegri RF, Arshad F, Babalola DO, Baiyewu O, Bak TH, Bellaj T, Brodie-Mends DK, Carrillo MC, Celestin KK, Damasceno A, de Silva RK, de Silva R, Djibuti M, Dreyer AJ, Ellajosyula R, Farombi TH, Friedland RP, Garza N, Gbessemehlan A, Georgiou EE, Govia I, Grinberg LT, Guerchet M, Gugssa SA, Gumikiriza-Onoria JL, Hogervorst E, Hornberger M, Ibanez A, Ihara M, Issac TG, Jönsson L, Karanja WM, Lee JH, Leroi I, Livingston G, Manes FF, Mbakile-Mahlanza L, Miller BL, Musyimi CW, Mutiso VN, Nakasujja N, Ndetei DM, Nightingale S, Novotni G, Nyamayaro P, Nyame S, Ogeng'o JA, Ogunniyi A, de Oliveira MO, Okubadejo NU, Orrell M, Paddick SM, Pericak-Vance MA, Pirtosek Z, Potocnik FCV, Raman R, Rizig M, Rosselli M, Salokhiddinov M, Satizabal CL, Sepulveda-Falla D, Seshadri S, Sexton CE, Skoog I, George-Hyslop PHS, Suemoto CK, Thapa P, Udeh-Momoh CT, Valcour V, Vance JM, Varghese M, Vera JH, Walker RW, Zetterberg H, Zewde YZ, Ismail O

SV2A PET imaging in human neurodegenerative diseases.

Frontiers in aging neuroscience

Bavarsad MS, Grinberg LT

Clinical dimensions along the non-fluent variant primary progressive aphasia spectrum.

Brain : a journal of neurology

Illán-Gala I, Lorca-Puls DL, Tee BL, Ezzes Z, de Leon J, Miller ZA, Rubio-Guerra S, Santos-Santos M, Gómez-Andrés D, Grinberg LT, Spina S, Kramer JH, Wauters LD, Henry ML, Boxer AL, Rosen HJ, Miller BL, Seeley WW, Mandelli ML, Gorno-Tempini ML

Large-scale network analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid proteome identifies molecular signatures of frontotemporal lobar degeneration.

Research square

Saloner R, Staffaroni A, Dammer E, Johnson ECB, Paolillo E, Wise A, Heuer H, Forsberg L, Lago AL, Webb J, Vogel J, Santillo A, Hansson O, Kramer J, Miller B, Li J, Loureiro J, Sivasankaran R, Worringer K, Seyfried N, Yokoyama J, Seeley W, Spina S, Grinberg L, VandeVrede L, Ljubenkov P, Bayram E, Bozoki A, Brushaber D, Considine C, Day G, Dickerson B, Domoto-Reilly K, Faber K, Galasko D, Geschwind D, Ghoshal N, Graff-Radford N, Hales C, Honig L, Hsiung GY, Huey E, Kornak J, Kremers W, Lapid M, Lee S, Litvan I, McMillan C, Mendez M, Miyagawa T, Pantelyat A, Pascual B, Paulson H, Petrucelli L, Pressman P, Ramos E, Rascovsky K, Roberson E, Savica R, Snyder A, Sullivan AC, Tartaglia C, Vandebergh M, Boeve B, Rosen H, Rojas J, Boxer A, Casaletto K

Clinicopathological correlation of cerebrospinal fluid alpha-synuclein seed amplification assay in a behavioral neurology autopsy cohort.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Samudra N, Fischer DL, Lenio S, Lario Lago A, Ljubenkov PA, Rojas JC, Seeley WW, Spina S, Staffaroni AM, Tablante J, Wekselman F, Lamoureux J, Concha-Marambio L, Grinberg LT, Boxer AL, VandeVrede L

Bearded capuchin monkeys as a model for Alzheimer's disease.

Scientific reports

Diehl Rodriguez R, Tavares MCH, Brucki SMD, Takada LT, Otaduy MCG, da Graça Morais Martin M, Kimie Suemoto C, Grinberg LT, Leite CC, Tomaz C, Nitrini R

Linking Type and Extent of Head Trauma to Cavum Septum Pellucidum in Older Adults With and Without Alzheimer Disease and Related Dementias.


Asken BM, Tanner JA, Vandevrede L, Apple A, Chapleau M, Gaynor LS, Lane-Donovan C, Lenio S, Yadollahikhales G, Lee S, Gontrum E, Knudtson M, Iaccarino L, La Joie R, Cobigo Y, Staffaroni AM, Casaletto KB, Gardner RC, Grinberg LT, Gorno-Tempini ML, Rosen HJ, Seeley WW, Miller BL, Kramer J, Rabinovici GD

Surface-based Probabilistic Fiber Tracking in Superficial White Matter.

IEEE transactions on medical imaging

Nie X, Ruan J, Otaduy MCG, Grinberg LT, Ringman J, Shi Y

The relationship of neuropsychiatric symptoms with inflammatory markers in the hippocampus and cingulate cortex of bipolar disorder subjects: A post-mortem study.

Journal of psychiatric research

Nascimento C, Villela Nunes P, Paraizo Leite RE, Grinberg LT, Suemoto CK, Lafer B

C9orf72 Repeat Expansion Initially Presenting as Late-onset Bipolar Disorder With Psychosis.

The neurologist

Gaynor LS, Yadollahikhales G, Tsoy E, Hall M, Boxer AL, Miller BL, Grinberg LT

Is Alzheimer disease a disease?

Nature reviews. Neurology

Korczyn AD, Grinberg LT

Demographic, clinical, biomarker, and neuropathological correlates of posterior cortical atrophy: an international cohort study and individual participant data meta-analysis.

The Lancet. Neurology

Chapleau M, La Joie R, Yong K, Agosta F, Allen IE, Apostolova L, Best J, Boon BDC, Crutch S, Filippi M, Fumagalli GG, Galimberti D, Graff-Radford J, Grinberg LT, Irwin DJ, Josephs KA, Mendez MF, Mendez PC, Migliaccio R, Miller ZA, Montembeault M, Murray ME, Nemes S, Pelak V, Perani D, Phillips J, Pijnenburg Y, Rogalski E, Schott JM, Seeley W, Sullivan AC, Spina S, Tanner J, Walker J, Whitwell JL, Wolk DA, Ossenkoppele R, Rabinovici GD, PCA International Work Group

KIBRA repairs synaptic plasticity and promotes resilience to tauopathy-related memory loss.

The Journal of clinical investigation

Kauwe G, Pareja-Navarro KA, Yao L, Chen JH, Wong I, Saloner R, Cifuentes H, Nana AL, Shah S, Li Y, Le D, Spina S, Grinberg LT, Seeley WW, Kramer JH, Sacktor TC, Schilling B, Gan L, Casaletto KB, Tracy TE

Neural basis of speech and grammar symptoms in non-fluent variant primary progressive aphasia spectrum.

Brain : a journal of neurology

Lorca-Puls DL, Gajardo-Vidal A, Mandelli ML, Illán-Gala I, Ezzes Z, Wauters LD, Battistella G, Bogley R, Ratnasiri B, Licata AE, Battista P, García AM, Tee BL, Lukic S, Boxer AL, Rosen HJ, Seeley WW, Grinberg LT, Spina S, Miller BL, Miller ZA, Henry ML, Dronkers NF, Gorno-Tempini ML

Spatiotemporal characteristics of neurophysiological changes in patients with four-repeat tauopathies.

Annals of clinical and translational neurology

Samudra N, Lerner H, Yack L, Walsh CM, Kirsch HE, Kudo K, Yballa C, La Joie R, Gorno-Tempini ML, Spina S, Seeley WW, Neylan TC, Miller BL, Rabinovici GD, Boxer A, Grinberg LT, Rankin KP, Nagarajan SS, Ranasinghe KG

The Association Between Neuropathological Lesions and Body Mass Index Is Independent of Cognitive Abilities.

Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD

Ururahy RDR, do Val MS, Ciciliati AMM, Leite REP, Paes VR, Rodrigues RD, Grinberg LT, Pasqualucci CA, Jacob Filho W, Suemoto CK

Association between APOE-ε4 allele and cognitive function is mediated by Alzheimer's disease pathology: a population-based autopsy study in an admixed sample.

Acta neuropathologica communications

Paradela RS, Justo AFO, Paes VR, Leite REP, Pasqualucci CA, Grinberg LT, Naslavsky MS, Zatz M, Nitrini R, Jacob-Filho W, Suemoto CK

Pathology-specific patterns of cerebellar atrophy in neurodegenerative disorders.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Chen Y, Spina S, Callahan P, Grinberg LT, Seeley WW, Rosen HJ, Kramer JH, Miller BL, Rankin KP

Bearded capuchin monkey as a model for Alzheimer's disease research.

Research square

Rodriguez RD, Tavares MC, Brucki SM, Takada LT, Otaduy MC, da Graça Morais Martin M, Suemoto C, Grinberg L, Leite C, Tomaz C, Nitrini R

Synaptic proteasome is inhibited in Alzheimer's disease models and associates with memory impairment in mice.

Communications biology

Ribeiro FC, Cozachenco D, Heimfarth L, Fortuna JTS, de Freitas GB, de Sousa JM, Alves-Leon SV, Leite REP, Suemoto CK, Grinberg LT, De Felice FG, Lourenco MV, Ferreira ST

Mutant tau and stress lead to downregulation of long noncoding RNA, SNHG8.

Molecular psychiatry

Bhagat R, Minaya MA, Renganathan A, Mehra M, Marsh J, Martinez R, Eteleeb AM, Nana AL, Spina S, Seeley WW, Grinberg LT, Karch CM

FTLD targets brain regions expressing recently evolved genes.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Pasquini L, Pereira FL, Seddighi S, Zeng Y, Wei Y, Illán-Gala I, Vatsavayai SC, Friedberg A, Lee AJ, Brown JA, Spina S, Grinberg LT, Sirkis DW, Bonham LW, Yokoyama JS, Boxer AL, Kramer JH, Rosen HJ, Humphrey J, Gitler AD, Miller BL, Pollard KS, Ward ME, Seeley WW

Structure-based design of nanobodies that inhibit seeding of Alzheimer's patient-extracted tau fibrils.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Abskharon R, Pan H, Sawaya MR, Seidler PM, Olivares EJ, Chen Y, Murray KA, Zhang J, Lantz C, Bentzel M, Boyer DR, Cascio D, Nguyen BA, Hou K, Cheng X, Pardon E, Williams CK, Nana AL, Vinters HV, Spina S, Grinberg LT, Seeley WW, Steyaert J, Glabe CG, Ogorzalek Loo RR, Loo JA, Eisenberg DS

Disease-specific selective vulnerability and neuroimmune pathways in dementia revealed by single cell genomics.

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology

Rexach JE, Cheng Y, Chen L, Polioudakis D, Lin LC, Mitri V, Elkins A, Yin A, Calini D, Kawaguchi R, Ou J, Huang J, Williams C, Robinson J, Gaus SE, Spina S, Lee EB, Grinberg LT, Vinters H, Trojanowski JQ, Seeley WW, Malhotra D, Geschwind DH

The (in)visible Brazilians: A perspective review on the need for brain health and dementia research with Brazilian immigrants in the United States.

Alzheimer's & dementia (New York, N. Y.)

Simon SS, Brucki SMD, Fonseca LM, Becker J, Cappi C, Marques AH, Heyn PC, Gonçalves PD, Martins SS, Busatto G, Suemoto CK, Nitrini R, Caramelli P, Yassuda MS, Miotto EC, Grinberg LT, Arce Renteria M, Alegria M, Stern Y, Rivera-Mindt M, Bertola L

Long non-coding RNA SNHG8 drives stress granule formation in tauopathies.

Molecular psychiatry

Bhagat R, Minaya MA, Renganathan A, Mehra M, Marsh J, Martinez R, Eteleeb AM, Nana AL, Spina S, Seeley WW, Grinberg LT, Karch CM

Amyloid and tau-PET in early-onset AD: Baseline data from the Longitudinal Early-onset Alzheimer's Disease Study (LEADS).

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Cho H, Mundada NS, Apostolova LG, Carrillo MC, Shankar R, Amuiri AN, Zeltzer E, Windon CC, Soleimani-Meigooni DN, Tanner JA, Heath CL, Lesman-Segev OH, Aisen P, Eloyan A, Lee HS, Hammers DB, Kirby K, Dage JL, Fagan A, Foroud T, Grinberg LT, Jack CR, Kramer J, Kukull WA, Murray ME, Nudelman K, Toga A, Vemuri P, Atri A, Day GS, Duara R, Graff-Radford NR, Honig LS, Jones DT, Masdeu J, Mendez M, Musiek E, Onyike CU, Riddle M, Rogalski EJ, Salloway S, Sha S, Turner RS, Wingo TS, Wolk DA, Koeppe R, Iaccarino L, Dickerson BC, La Joie R, Rabinovici GD, LEADS Consortium

Influence of amyloid and diagnostic syndrome on non-traditional memory scores in early-onset Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Bushnell J, Hammers DB, Aisen P, Dage JL, Eloyan A, Foroud T, Grinberg LT, Iaccarino L, Jack CR, Kirby K, Kramer J, Koeppe R, Kukull WA, La Joie R, Mundada NS, Murray ME, Nudelman K, Rumbaugh M, Soleimani-Meigooni DN, Toga A, Touroutoglou A, Vemuri P, Atri A, Day GS, Duara R, Graff-Radford NR, Honig LS, Jones DT, Masdeu J, Mendez M, Musiek E, Onyike CU, Riddle M, Rogalski E, Salloway S, Sha S, Turner RS, Wingo TS, Wolk DA, Carrillo MC, Dickerson BC, Rabinovici GD, Apostolova LG, Clark DG, LEADS Consortium

Apolipoprotein E ε2 allele is associated with lower risk of carotid artery obstruction in a population-based autopsy study.

Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association

Paradela RS, Farias-Itao DS, Leite REP, Pasqualucci CA, Grinberg LT, Naslavsky MS, Zatz M, Nitrini R, Jacob-Filho W, Suemoto CK

Sex and APOE ε4 carrier effects on atrophy, amyloid PET, and tau PET burden in early-onset Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Nemes S, Logan PE, Manchella MK, Mundada NS, La Joie R, Polsinelli AJ, Hammers DB, Koeppe RA, Foroud TM, Nudelman KN, Eloyan A, Iaccarino L, Dorsant-Ardón V, Taurone A, Thangarajah M, Dage JL, Aisen P, Grinberg LT, Jack CR, Kramer J, Kukull WA, Murray ME, Rumbaugh M, Soleimani-Meigooni DN, Toga A, Touroutoglou A, Vemuri P, Atri A, Day GS, Duara R, Graff-Radford NR, Honig LS, Jones DT, Masdeu J, Mendez MF, Musiek E, Onyike CU, Riddle M, Rogalski E, Salloway S, Sha SJ, Turner RS, Wingo TS, Womack KB, Wolk DA, Rabinovici GD, Carrillo MC, Dickerson BC, Apostolova LG, LEADS Consortium

Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers in the Longitudinal Early-onset Alzheimer's Disease Study.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Dage JL, Eloyan A, Thangarajah M, Hammers DB, Fagan AM, Gray JD, Schindler SE, Snoddy C, Nudelman KNH, Faber KM, Foroud T, Aisen P, Griffin P, Grinberg LT, Iaccarino L, Kirby K, Kramer J, Koeppe R, Kukull WA, La Joie R, Mundada NS, Murray ME, Rumbaugh M, Soleimani-Meigooni DN, Toga AW, Touroutoglou A, Vemuri P, Atri A, Beckett LA, Day GS, Graff-Radford NR, Duara R, Honig LS, Jones DT, Masdeu JC, Mendez MF, Musiek E, Onyike CU, Riddle M, Rogalski E, Salloway S, Sha SJ, Turner RS, Wingo TS, Wolk DA, Womack KB, Carrillo MC, Dickerson BC, Rabinovici GD, Apostolova LG, LEADS Consortium

Neuropsychiatric symptoms and imbalance of atrophy in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia.

Human brain mapping

Sokolowski A, Roy ARK, Goh SM, Hardy EG, Datta S, Cobigo Y, Brown JA, Spina S, Grinberg L, Kramer J, Rankin KP, Seeley WW, Sturm VE, Rosen HJ, Miller BL, Perry DC

The influence of age and sex on the absolute cell numbers of the human brain cerebral cortex.

Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)

Castro-Fonseca E, Morais V, da Silva CG, Wollner J, Freitas J, Mello-Neto AF, Oliveira LE, de Oliveira VC, Leite REP, Alho AT, Rodriguez RD, Ferretti-Rebustini REL, Suemoto CK, Jacob-Filho W, Nitrini R, Pasqualucci CA, Grinberg LT, Tovar-Moll F, Lent R

Literacy, but not memory, is associated with hippocampal connectivity in illiterate adults.

Research square

Resende EPF, Lara VP, Santiago ALC, Friedlaender CV, Rosen HJ, Brown JA, Cobigo Y, Silva LLG, de Souza LC, Rincon L, Grinberg LT, Maciel FIP, Caramelli P

KIBRA repairs synaptic plasticity and promotes resilience to tauopathy-related memory loss.

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology

Kauwe G, Pareja-Navarro KA, Yao L, Chen JH, Wong I, Saloner R, Cifuentes H, Nana AL, Shah S, Li Y, Le D, Spina S, Grinberg LT, Seeley WW, Kramer JH, Sacktor TC, Schilling B, Gan L, Casaletto KB, Tracy TE

Profiling baseline performance on the Longitudinal Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease Study (LEADS) cohort near the midpoint of data collection.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Hammers DB, Eloyan A, Taurone A, Thangarajah M, Beckett L, Gao S, Kirby K, Aisen P, Dage JL, Foroud T, Griffin P, Grinberg LT, Jack CR, Kramer J, Koeppe R, Kukull WA, Mundada NS, La Joie R, Soleimani-Meigooni DN, Iaccarino L, Murray ME, Nudelman K, Polsinelli AJ, Rumbaugh M, Toga A, Touroutoglou A, Vemuri P, Atri A, Day GS, Duara R, Graff-Radford NR, Honig LS, Jones DT, Masdeu J, Mendez MF, Womack K, Musiek E, Onyike CU, Riddle M, Rogalski E, Salloway S, Sha SJ, Turner RS, Wingo TS, Wolk DA, Carrillo MC, Dickerson BC, Rabinovici GD, Apostolova LG, LEADS Consortium

Alzheimer's disease brain-derived extracellular vesicles reveal altered synapse-related proteome and induce cognitive impairment in mice.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Bodart-Santos V, Pinheiro LS, da Silva-Junior AJ, Froza RL, Ahrens R, Gonçalves RA, Andrade MM, Chen Y, Alcantara CL, Grinberg LT, Leite REP, Ferreira ST, Fraser PE, De Felice FG

Patients with sporadic FTLD exhibit similar increases in lysosomal proteins and storage material as patients with FTD due to GRN mutations.

Acta neuropathologica communications

Davis SE, Cook AK, Hall JA, Voskobiynyk Y, Carullo NV, Boyle NR, Hakim AR, Anderson KM, Hobdy KP, Pugh DA, Murchison CF, McMeekin LJ, Simmons M, Margolies KA, Cowell RM, Nana AL, Spina S, Grinberg LT, Miller BL, Seeley WW, Arrant AE

Creating the Pick's disease International Consortium: Association study of MAPT H2 haplotype with risk of Pick's disease.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Valentino RR, Scotton WJ, Roemer SF, Lashley T, Heckman MG, Shoai M, Martinez-Carrasco A, Tamvaka N, Walton RL, Baker MC, Macpherson HL, Real R, Soto-Beasley AI, Mok K, Revesz T, Warner TT, Jaunmuktane Z, Boeve BF, Christopher EA, DeTure M, Duara R, Graff-Radford NR, Josephs KA, Knopman DS, Koga S, Murray ME, Lyons KE, Pahwa R, Parisi JE, Petersen RC, Whitwell J, Grinberg LT, Miller B, Schlereth A, Seeley WW, Spina S, Grossman M, Irwin DJ, Lee EB, Suh E, Trojanowski JQ, Van Deerlin VM, Wolk DA, Connors TR, Dooley PM, Frosch MP, Oakley DH, Aldecoa I, Balasa M, Gelpi E, Borrego-Écija S, de Eugenio Huélamo RM, Gascon-Bayarri J, Sánchez-Valle R, Sanz-Cartagena P, Piñol-Ripoll G, Molina-Porcel L, Bigio EH, Flanagan ME, Gefen T, Rogalski EJ, Weintraub S, Redding-Ochoa J, Chang K, Troncoso JC, Prokop S, Newell KL, Ghetti B, Jones M, Richardson A, Robinson AC, Roncaroli F, Snowden J, Allinson K, Green O, Rowe JB, Singh P, Beach TG, Serrano GE, Flowers XE, Goldman JE, Heaps AC, Leskinen SP, Teich AF, Black SE, Keith JL, Masellis M, Bodi I, King A, Sarraj SA, Troakes C, Halliday GM, Hodges JR, Kril JJ, Kwok JB, Piguet O, Gearing M, Arzberger T, Roeber S, Attems J, Morris CM, Thomas AJ, Evers BM, White CL, Mechawar N, Sieben AA, Cras PP, De Vil BB, De Deyn PPPP, Duyckaerts C, Ber IL, Seihean D, Turbant-Leclere S, MacKenzie IR, McLean C, Cykowski MD, Ervin JF, Wang SJ, Graff C, Nennesmo I, Nagra RM, Riehl J, Kovacs GG, Giaccone G, Nacmias B, Neumann M, Ang LC, Finger EC, Blauwendraat C, Nalls MA, Singleton AB, Vitale D, Cunha C, Carvalho A, Wszolek ZK, Morris HR, Rademakers R, Hardy JA, Dickson DW, Rohrer JD, Ross OA

Prevalence, Timing, and Network Localization of Emergent Visual Creativity in Frontotemporal Dementia.

JAMA neurology

Friedberg A, Pasquini L, Diggs R, Glaubitz EA, Lopez L, Ill?n-Gala I, Iaccarino L, La Joie R, Mundada N, Knudtson M, Neylan K, Brown J, Allen IE, Rankin KP, Bonham LW, Yokoyama JS, Ramos EM, Geschwind DH, Spina S, Grinberg LT, Miller ZA, Kramer JH, Rosen H, Gorno-Tempini ML, Rabinovici G, Seeley WW, Miller BL

Astroglial toxicity promotes synaptic degeneration in the thalamocortical circuit in frontotemporal dementia with GRN mutations.

The Journal of clinical investigation

Marsan E, Velmeshev D, Ramsey A, Patel RK, Zhang J, Koontz M, Andrews MG, de Majo M, Mora C, Blumenfeld J, Li AN, Spina S, Grinberg LT, Seeley W, Miller BL, Ullian EM, Krummel MF, Kriegstein A, Huang EJ

The Nairobi Declaration-Reducing the burden of dementia in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs): Declaration of the 2022�Symposium on Dementia and Brain Aging in LMICs.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Maestre G, Carrillo M, Kalaria R, Acosta D, Adams L, Adoukonou T, Akinwande K, Akinyemi J, Akinyemi R, Akpa O, Alladi S, Allegri R, Arizaga R, Arshad F, Arulogun O, Babalola D, Baiyewu O, Bak T, Bellaj T, Boshe J, Brayne C, Brodie-Mends D, Brown R, Cahn J, Cyrille N, Damasceno A, de Silva R, de Silva R, Djibuti M, Dreyer AJ, Ellajosyula R, Farombi T, Fongang B, Forner S, Friedland R, Garza N, Gbessemehlan A, Georgiou EE, Gouider R, Govia I, Grinberg L, Guerchet M, Gugssa S, Gumikiriza-Onoria JL, Gustafson D, Hogervorst E, Hornberger M, Ibanez A, Ihara M, Ismail O, Issac T, J?nsson L, Kaputu C, Karanja W, Karungi J, Tshala-Katumbay D, Kunkle B, Lee JH, Leroi I, Lewis R, Livingston G, Lopera F, Lwere K, Manes F, Mbakile-Mahlanza L, Mena P, Miller B, Millogo A, Mohamed A, Musyimi C, Mutiso V, Nakasujja N, Ndetei D, Nightingale S, Njamnshi AK, Novotni G, Nyamayaro P, Nyame S, Ogeng'o J, Ogunniyi A, Okada De Oliveira M, Okubadejo N, Orrell M, Orunmuyi A, Owolabi M, Paddick S, A Pericak-Vance M, Pirtosek Z, Potocnik F, Preston B, Raman R, Ranchod K, Rizig M, Rosselli M, Deepa R, Roy U, Salokhiddinov M, Sano M, Sarfo F, Satizabal CL, Sepulveda-Falla D, Seshadri S, Sexton C, Skoog I, St George-Hyslop P, Suemoto C, Tanner J, Thapa P, Toure K, Ucheagwu V, Udeh-Momoh C, Valcour V, Vance J, Varghese M, Vera J, Walker R, Weidner W, Sebastian W, Whitehead Gay P, Zetterberg H, Zewde Y, African Dementia Consortium

Long non-coding RNA SNHG8 drives stress granule formation in tauopathies.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Bhagat R, Minaya MA, Renganathan A, Mehra M, Marsh J, Martinez R, Nana AL, Spina S, Seeley WW, Grinberg LT, Karch CM

Conserved gene signatures shared among MAPT mutations reveal defects in calcium signaling.

Frontiers in molecular biosciences

Minaya MA, Mahali S, Iyer AK, Eteleeb AM, Martinez R, Huang G, Budde J, Temple S, Nana AL, Seeley WW, Spina S, Grinberg LT, Harari O, Karch CM

Alzheimer's disease phenotypes show different sleep architecture.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Falgàs N, Walsh CM, Yack L, Simon AJ, Allen IE, Kramer JH, Rosen HJ, Joie R, Rabinovici G, Miller B, Spina S, Seeley WW, Ranasinghe K, Vossel K, Neylan TC, Grinberg LT

Priorities for research on neuromodulatory subcortical systems in Alzheimer's disease: Position paper from the NSS PIA of ISTAART.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Ehrenberg AJ, Kelberman MA, Liu KY, Dahl MJ, Weinshenker D, Falgàs N, Dutt S, Mather M, Ludwig M, Betts MJ, Winer JR, Teipel S, Weigand AJ, Eschenko O, Hämmerer D, Leiman M, Counts SE, Shine JM, Robertson IH, Levey AI, Lancini E, Son G, Schneider C, Egroo MV, Liguori C, Wang Q, Vazey EM, Rodriguez-Porcel F, Haag L, Bondi MW, Vanneste S, Freeze WM, Yi YJ, Maldinov M, Gatchel J, Satpati A, Babiloni C, Kremen WS, Howard R, Jacobs HIL, Grinberg LT

Hyperphosphorylated Tau in Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: a Neuropathological and Cognitive Study.

Molecular neurobiology

Toscano ECB, Vieira ÉLM, Grinberg LT, Rocha NP, Brant JAS, Paradela RS, Giannetti AV, Suemoto CK, Leite REP, Nitrini R, Rachid MA, Teixeira AL

Resilience of Neural Cellularity to the Influence of Low Educational Level.

Brain sciences

de Morais VAC, de Oliveira-Pinto AV, Mello Neto AF, Freitas JS, da Silva MM, Suemoto CK, Leite RP, Grinberg LT, Jacob-Filho W, Pasqualucci C, Nitrini R, Caramelli P, Lent R

LATE-NC staging in routine neuropathologic diagnosis: an update.

Acta neuropathologica

Nelson PT, Lee EB, Cykowski MD, Alafuzoff I, Arfanakis K, Attems J, Brayne C, Corrada MM, Dugger BN, Flanagan ME, Ghetti B, Grinberg LT, Grossman M, Grothe MJ, Halliday GM, Hasegawa M, Hokkanen SRK, Hunter S, Jellinger K, Kawas CH, Keene CD, Kouri N, Kovacs GG, Leverenz JB, Latimer CS, Mackenzie IR, Mao Q, McAleese KE, Merrick R, Montine TJ, Murray ME, Myllykangas L, Nag S, Neltner JH, Newell KL, Rissman RA, Saito Y, Sajjadi SA, Schwetye KE, Teich AF, Thal DR, Tomé SO, Troncoso JC, Wang SJ, White CL, Wisniewski T, Yang HS, Schneider JA, Dickson DW, Neumann M

Right temporal lobe and socioemotional semantics: semantic behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia.

Brain : a journal of neurology

Younes K, Borghesani V, Montembeault M, Spina S, Mandelli ML, Welch AE, Weis E, Callahan P, Elahi FM, Hua AY, Perry DC, Karydas A, Geschwind D, Huang E, Grinberg LT, Kramer JH, Boxer AL, Rabinovici GD, Rosen HJ, Seeley WW, Miller ZA, Miller BL, Sturm VE, Rankin KP, Luisa Gorno-Tempini M

Deficiency of the frontotemporal dementia gene GRN results in gangliosidosis.

Nature communications

Boland S, Swarup S, Ambaw YA, Malia PC, Richards RC, Fischer AW, Singh S, Aggarwal G, Spina S, Nana AL, Grinberg LT, Seeley WW, Surma MA, Klose C, Paulo JA, Nguyen AD, Harper JW, Walther TC, Farese RV

Apolipoprotein E genotypes were not associated with intracranial atherosclerosis: a population-based autopsy study.

Cardiovascular pathology : the official journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Pathology

Paradela RS, Farias-Itao DS, Leite REP, Pasqualucci CA, Grinberg LT, Naslavsky MS, Zatz M, Nitrini R, Jacob-Filho W, Suemoto CK

Neuropathological correlates of neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Gibson LL, Grinberg LT, Ffytche D, Leite REP, Rodriguez RD, Ferretti-Rebustini REL, Pasqualucci CA, Nitrini R, Jacob-Filho W, Aarsland D, Suemoto CK

Global and local ancestry modulate APOE association with Alzheimer's neuropathology and cognitive outcomes in an admixed sample.

Molecular psychiatry

Naslavsky MS, Suemoto CK, Brito LA, Scliar MO, Ferretti-Rebustini RE, Rodriguez RD, Leite REP, Araujo NM, Borda V, Tarazona-Santos E, Jacob-Filho W, Pasqualucci C, Nitrini R, Yaffe K, Zatz M, Grinberg LT

Common Variants Near ZIC1 and ZIC4 in Autopsy-Confirmed Multiple System Atrophy.

Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society

Hopfner F, Tietz AK, Ruf VC, Ross OA, Koga S, Dickson D, Aguzzi A, Attems J, Beach T, Beller A, Cheshire WP, van Deerlin V, Desplats P, Deuschl G, Duyckaerts C, Ellinghaus D, Evsyukov V, Flanagan ME, Franke A, Frosch MP, Gearing M, Gelpi E, van Gerpen JA, Ghetti B, Glass JD, Grinberg LT, Halliday G, Helbig I, Höllerhage M, Huitinga I, Irwin DJ, Keene DC, Kovacs GG, Lee EB, Levin J, Martí MJ, Mackenzie I, McKeith I, Mclean C, Mollenhauer B, Neumann M, Newell KL, Pantelyat A, Pendziwiat M, Peters A, Molina Porcel L, Rabano A, Matej R, Rajput A, Rajput A, Reimann R, Scott WK, Seeley W, Selvackadunco S, Simuni T, Stadelmann C, Svenningsson P, Thomas A, Trenkwalder C, Troakes C, Trojanowski JQ, Uitti RJ, White CL, Wszolek ZK, Xie T, Ximelis T, Yebenes J, Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Consortium, Müller U, Schellenberg GD, Herms J, Kuhlenbäumer G, Höglinger G

Rainwater Charitable Foundation criteria for the neuropathologic diagnosis of progressive supranuclear palsy.

Acta neuropathologica

Roemer SF, Grinberg LT, Crary JF, Seeley WW, McKee AC, Kovacs GG, Beach TG, Duyckaerts C, Ferrer IA, Gelpi E, Lee EB, Revesz T, White CL, Yoshida M, Pereira FL, Whitney K, Ghayal NB, Dickson DW

Applying the Bradford Hill Criteria for Causation to Repetitive Head Impacts and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy.

Frontiers in neurology

Nowinski CJ, Bureau SC, Buckland ME, Curtis MA, Daneshvar DH, Faull RLM, Grinberg LT, Hill-Yardin EL, Murray HC, Pearce AJ, Suter CM, White AJ, Finkel AM, Cantu RC

Neuropsychiatric symptoms in community-dwelling older Brazilians with mild cognitive impairment and dementia.

Alzheimer's & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Suemoto CK, Nunes PV, Leite REP, Ferretti-Rebustini REL, Pasqualucci CA, Nitrini R, Rodriguez RD, Grinberg LT, Jacob-Filho W

Postmortem Human Dura Mater Cells Exhibit Phenotypic, Transcriptomic and Genetic Abnormalities that Impact their Use for Disease Modeling.

Stem cell reviews and reports

Argouarch AR, Schultz N, Yang AC, Jang Y, Garcia K, Cosme CG, Corrales CI, Nana AL, Karydas AM, Spina S, Grinberg LT, Miller B, Wyss-Coray T, Abyzov A, Goodarzi H, Seeley WW, Kao AW

The Latin American Brain Health Institute, a regional initiative to reduce the scale and impact of dementia.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Duran-Aniotz C, Sanhueza J, Grinberg LT, Slachevsky A, Valcour V, Robertson I, Lawlor B, Miller B, Ibáñez A

Frequency of LATE neuropathologic change across the spectrum of Alzheimer's disease neuropathology: combined data from 13 community-based or population-based autopsy cohorts.

Acta neuropathologica

Nelson PT, Brayne C, Flanagan ME, Abner EL, Agrawal S, Attems J, Castellani RJ, Corrada MM, Cykowski MD, Di J, Dickson DW, Dugger BN, Ervin JF, Fleming J, Graff-Radford J, Grinberg LT, Hokkanen SRK, Hunter S, Kapasi A, Kawas CH, Keage HAD, Keene CD, Kero M, Knopman DS, Kouri N, Kovacs GG, Labuzan SA, Larson EB, Latimer CS, Leite REP, Matchett BJ, Matthews FE, Merrick R, Montine TJ, Murray ME, Myllykangas L, Nag S, Nelson RS, Neltner JH, Nguyen AT, Petersen RC, Polvikoski T, Reichard RR, Rodriguez RD, Suemoto CK, Wang SJ, Wharton SB, White L, Schneider JA

Multimodal Biomarkers of Repetitive Head Impacts and Traumatic Encephalopathy Syndrome: A Clinico-Pathological Case Series.

Journal of neurotrauma

Asken B, Tanner JA, VandeVrede L, Casaletto KB, Staffaroni AM, Mundada N, Fonseca C, Iaccarino L, La Joie R, Tsuei T, Mladinov M, Grant H, Shankar R, Wang KKW, Xu H, Cobigo Y, Rosen H, Gardner RC, Perry DC, Miller BL, Spina S, Seeley WW, Kramer J, Grinberg LT, Rabinovici G

Caspase-6-cleaved tau is relevant in Alzheimer's disease and marginal in four-repeat tauopathies: diagnostic and therapeutic implications.

Neuropathology and applied neurobiology

Theofilas P, Piergies AMH, Oh I, Lee YB, Li SH, Pereira FL, Petersen C, Ehrenberg AJ, Eser RA, Ambrose AJ, Chin B, Yang T, Khan S, Ng R, Spina S, Seeley WW, Miller BL, Arkin MR, Grinberg LT

Fmr1 exon 14 skipping in late embryonic development of the rat forebrain.

BMC neuroscience

Corrêa-Velloso JC, Linardi AM, Glaser T, Velloso FJ, Rivas MP, Leite REP, Grinberg LT, Ulrich H, Akins MR, Chiavegatto S, Haddad LA

Microcephaly measurement in adults and its association with clinical variables.

Revista de saude publica

Costa NRD, Mancine L, Salvini R, Teixeira JM, Rodriguez RD, Leite REP, Nascimento C, Pasqualucci CA, Nitrini R, Jacob-Filho W, Lafer B, Grinberg LT, Suemoto CK, Nunes PV

Neuropathology of depression in non-demented older adults: A large postmortem study of 741 individuals.

Neurobiology of aging

Nunes PV, Suemoto CK, Rodriguez RD, Paraizo Leite RE, Nascimento C, Pasqualucci CA, Nitrini R, Jacob-Filho W, Grinberg LT, Lafer B

Plasma P-tau181 and P-tau217 in Patients With Traumatic Encephalopathy Syndrome With and Without Evidence of Alzheimer Disease Pathology.


Asken BM, Tanner JA, VandeVrede L, Mantyh WG, Casaletto KB, Staffaroni AM, La Joie R, Iaccarino L, Soleimani-Meigooni D, Rojas JC, Gardner RC, Miller BL, Grinberg LT, Boxer AL, Kramer JH, Rabinovici GD

Subcortical Neuronal Correlates of Sleep in Neurodegenerative Diseases.

JAMA neurology

Oh JY, Walsh CM, Ranasinghe K, Mladinov M, Pereira FL, Petersen C, Falgàs N, Yack L, Lamore T, Nasar R, Lew C, Li S, Metzler T, Coppola Q, Pandher N, Le M, Heuer HW, Heinsen H, Spina S, Seeley WW, Kramer J, Rabinovici GD, Boxer AL, Miller BL, Vossel K, Neylan TC, Grinberg LT

Microglial NF-κB drives tau spreading and toxicity in a mouse model of tauopathy.

Nature communications

Wang C, Fan L, Khawaja RR, Liu B, Zhan L, Kodama L, Chin M, Li Y, Le D, Zhou Y, Condello C, Grinberg LT, Seeley WW, Miller BL, Mok SA, Gestwicki JE, Cuervo AM, Luo W, Gan L

Diagnostic Accuracy of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Measures of Brain Atrophy Across the Spectrum of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Corticobasal Degeneration.

JAMA network open

Illán-Gala I, Nigro S, VandeVrede L, Falgàs N, Heuer HW, Painous C, Compta Y, Martí MJ, Montal V, Pagonabarraga J, Kulisevsky J, Lleó A, Fortea J, Logroscino G, Quattrone A, Quattrone A, Perry DC, Gorno-Tempini ML, Rosen HJ, Grinberg LT, Spina S, La Joie R, Rabinovici GD, Miller BL, Rojas JC, Seeley WW, Boxer AL

Addressing the disparities in dementia risk, early detection and care in Latino populations: Highlights from the second Latinos & Alzheimer's Symposium.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Quiroz YT, Solis M, Aranda MP, Arbaje AI, Arroyo-Miranda M, Cabrera LY, Carrasquillo MM, Corrada MM, Crivelli L, Diminich ED, Dorsman KA, Gonzales M, González HM, Gonzalez-Seda AL, Grinberg LT, Guerrero LR, Hill CV, Jimenez-Velazquez IZ, Guerra JJL, Lopera F, Maestre G, Medina LD, O'Bryant S, Peñaloza C, Pinzon MM, Mavarez RVP, Pluim CF, Raman R, Rascovsky K, Rentz DM, Reyes Y, Rosselli M, Tansey MG, Vila-Castelar C, Zuelsdorff M, Carrillo M, Sexton C

Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers in Autopsy-Confirmed Alzheimer Disease and Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration.


Mattsson-Carlgren N, Grinberg LT, Boxer A, Ossenkoppele R, Jonsson M, Seeley W, Ehrenberg A, Spina S, Janelidze S, Rojas-Martinex J, Rosen H, La Joie R, Lesman-Segev O, Iaccarino L, Kollmorgen G, Ljubenkov P, Eichenlaub U, Gorno-Tempini ML, Miller B, Hansson O, Rabinovici GD

Race, genetic admixture and cognitive performance in the Cuban population.

The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences

Llibre-Guerra JJ, Li Y, Allen IE, Llibre-Guerra JC, Rodríguez Salgado AM, Peñalver AI, Sanchez AA, Yokoyama JS, Grinberg L, Valcour V, Miller BL, Llibre-Rodríguez JJ

The behavioral variant of Alzheimer's disease does not show a selective loss of Von Economo and phylogenetically related neurons in the anterior cingulate cortex.

Alzheimer's research & therapy

Singleton EH, Pijnenburg YAL, Gami-Patel P, Boon BDC, Bouwman F, Papma JM, Seelaar H, Scheltens P, Grinberg LT, Spina S, Nana AL, Rabinovici GD, Seeley WW, Ossenkoppele R, Dijkstra AA

Education, but not occupation, is associated with cognitive impairment: The role of cognitive reserve in a sample from a low-to-middle-income country.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Suemoto CK, Bertola L, Grinberg LT, Leite REP, Rodriguez RD, Santana PH, Pasqualucci CA, Jacob-Filho W, Nitrini R

Late-Onset Alcohol Abuse as a Presenting Symptom of Neurodegenerative Diseases.

Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD

de Paula França Resende E, Ketelle R, Karydas A, Allen I, Grinberg LT, Spina S, Seeley WW, Perry DC, Miller B, Naasan G

Increased levels of TAR DNA-binding protein 43 in the hippocampus of subjects with bipolar disorder: a postmortem study.

Journal of neural transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996)

Nascimento C, Nunes PV, Kim HK, Leite REP, Rodriguez RD, De Oliveira KC, Brentani HP, Jacob-Filho W, Nitrini R, Pasqualucci CA, Grinberg LT, Suemoto CK, Lafer B

Deep learning for Alzheimer's disease: Mapping large-scale histological tau protein for neuroimaging biomarker validation.


Ushizima D, Chen Y, Alegro M, Ovando D, Eser R, Lee W, Poon K, Shankar A, Kantamneni N, Satrawada S, Junior EA, Heinsen H, Tosun D, Grinberg LT

The severity of neuropsychiatric symptoms is higher in early-onset than late-onset Alzheimer's Disease.

European journal of neurology

Falgàs N, Allen IE, Spina S, Grant H, Piña Escudero SD, Merrilees J, Gearhart R, Rosen HJ, Kramer JH, Seeley WW, Neylan TC, Miller BL, Rabinovici GD, Grinberg LT, Walsh CM

Loss of lamin-B1 and defective nuclear morphology are hallmarks of astrocyte senescence in vitro and in the aging human hippocampus.

Aging cell

Matias I, Diniz LP, Damico IV, Araujo APB, Neves LDS, Vargas G, Leite REP, Suemoto CK, Nitrini R, Jacob-Filho W, Grinberg LT, Hol EM, Middeldorp J, Gomes FCA

Inefficient quality control of ribosome stalling during APP synthesis generates CAT-tailed species that precipitate hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease.

Acta neuropathologica communications

Rimal S, Li Y, Vartak R, Geng J, Tantray I, Li S, Huh S, Vogel H, Glabe C, Grinberg LT, Spina S, Seeley WW, Guo S, Lu B

Plasma phosphorylated tau 217 and phosphorylated tau 181 as biomarkers in Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal lobar degeneration: a retrospective diagnostic performance study.

The Lancet. Neurology

Thijssen EH, La Joie R, Strom A, Fonseca C, Iaccarino L, Wolf A, Spina S, Allen IE, Cobigo Y, Heuer H, VandeVrede L, Proctor NK, Lago AL, Baker S, Sivasankaran R, Kieloch A, Kinhikar A, Yu L, Valentin MA, Jeromin A, Zetterberg H, Hansson O, Mattsson-Carlgren N, Graham D, Blennow K, Kramer JH, Grinberg LT, Seeley WW, Rosen H, Boeve BF, Miller BL, Teunissen CE, Rabinovici GD, Rojas JC, Dage JL, Boxer AL, Advancing Research and Treatment for Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration investigators

Clinical, neuroimaging, and neuropathological characterization of a patient with Alzheimer's disease syndrome due to Pick's pathology.


Toller G, Zitser J, Sukhanov P, Grant H, Miller BL, Kramer JH, Rosen HJ, Rankin KP, Grinberg LT

Comorbid neuropathological diagnoses in early versus late-onset Alzheimer's disease.

Brain : a journal of neurology

Spina S, La Joie R, Petersen C, Nolan AL, Cuevas D, Cosme C, Hepker M, Hwang JH, Miller ZA, Huang EJ, Karydas AM, Grant H, Boxer AL, Gorno-Tempini ML, Rosen HJ, Kramer JH, Miller BL, Seeley WW, Rabinovici GD, Grinberg LT

Tau-driven degeneration of sleep- and wake-regulating neurons in Alzheimer's disease.

Sleep medicine reviews

Lew CH, Petersen C, Neylan TC, Grinberg LT

Specific cortical and subcortical grey matter regions are associated with insomnia severity.

PloS one

Falgàs N, Illán-Gala I, Allen IE, Mumford P, Essanaa YM, Le MM, You M, Grinberg LT, Rosen HJ, Neylan TC, Kramer JH, Walsh CM

The Longitudinal Early-onset Alzheimer's Disease Study (LEADS): Framework and methodology.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Apostolova LG, Aisen P, Eloyan A, Fagan A, Fargo KN, Foroud T, Gatsonis C, Grinberg LT, Jack CR, Kramer J, Koeppe R, Kukull WA, Murray ME, Nudelman K, Rumbaugh M, Toga A, Vemuri P, Trullinger A, Iaccarino L, Day GS, Graff-Radford NR, Honig LS, Jones DT, Masdeu J, Mendez M, Musiek E, Onyike CU, Rogalski E, Salloway S, Wolk DA, Wingo TS, Carrillo MC, Dickerson BC, Rabinovici GD, LEADS Consortium

Severe Dementia Predicts Weight Loss by the Time of Death.

Frontiers in neurology

Ciciliati AMM, Adriazola IO, Souza Farias-Itao D, Pasqualucci CA, Leite REP, Nitrini R, Grinberg LT, Jacob-Filho W, Suemoto CK

Psychosis in neurodegenerative disease: differential patterns of hallucination and delusion symptoms.

Brain : a journal of neurology

Naasan G, Shdo SM, Rodriguez EM, Spina S, Grinberg L, Lopez L, Karydas A, Seeley WW, Miller BL, Rankin KP

Deepen into sleep and wake patterns across Alzheimer's disease phenotypes.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Falgàs N, Walsh CM, Neylan TC, Grinberg LT

Patterns of neuronal Rhes as a novel hallmark of tauopathies.

Acta neuropathologica

Ehrenberg AJ, Leng K, Letourneau KN, Hernandez I, Lew C, Seeley WW, Spina S, Miller B, Heinsen H, Kampmann M, Kosik KS, Grinberg LT

Diagnostic Utility of Measuring Cerebral Atrophy in the Behavioral Variant of Frontotemporal Dementia and Association With Clinical Deterioration.

JAMA network open

Illán-Gala I, Falgàs N, Friedberg A, Castro-Suárez S, Keret O, Rogers N, Oz D, Nigro S, Quattrone A, Quattrone A, Wolf A, Younes K, Santos-Santos M, Borrego-Écija S, Cobigo Y, Dols-Icardo O, Lladó A, Sánchez-Valle R, Clarimon J, Blesa R, Alcolea D, Fortea J, Lleó A, Grinberg LT, Spina S, Kramer JH, Rabinovici GD, Boxer A, Gorno Tempini ML, Miller BL, Seeley WW, Rosen HJ, Perry DC

Sex differences in the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia: A new window to executive and behavioral reserve.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Illán-Gala I, Casaletto KB, Borrego-Écija S, Arenaza-Urquijo EM, Wolf A, Cobigo Y, Goh SYM, Staffaroni AM, Alcolea D, Fortea J, Blesa R, Clarimon J, Iulita MF, Brugulat-Serrat A, Lladó A, Grinberg LT, Possin K, Rankin KP, Kramer JH, Rabinovici GD, Boxer A, Seeley WW, Sturm VE, Gorno-Tempini ML, Miller BL, Sánchez-Valle R, Perry DC, Lleó A, Rosen HJ

A novel temporal-predominant neuro-astroglial tauopathy associated with TMEM106B gene polymorphism in FTLD/ALS-TDP.

Brain pathology (Zurich, Switzerland)

Llibre-Guerra JJ, Lee SE, Suemoto CK, Ehrenberg AJ, Kovacs GG, Karydas A, Staffaroni A, De Paula Franca Resende E, Kim EJ, Hwang JH, Ramos EM, Wojta KJ, Pasquini L, Pang SY, Spina S, Allen IE, Kramer J, Miller BL, Seeley WW, Grinberg LT

Molecular characterization of selectively vulnerable neurons in Alzheimer's disease.

Nature neuroscience

Leng K, Li E, Eser R, Piergies A, Sit R, Tan M, Neff N, Li SH, Rodriguez RD, Suemoto CK, Leite REP, Ehrenberg AJ, Pasqualucci CA, Seeley WW, Spina S, Heinsen H, Grinberg LT, Kampmann M

Neuropathological consensus criteria for the evaluation of Lewy pathology in post-mortem brains: a multi-centre study.

Acta neuropathologica

Attems J, Toledo JB, Walker L, Gelpi E, Gentleman S, Halliday G, Hortobagyi T, Jellinger K, Kovacs GG, Lee EB, Love S, McAleese KE, Nelson PT, Neumann M, Parkkinen L, Polvikoski T, Sikorska B, Smith C, Grinberg LT, Thal DR, Trojanowski JQ, McKeith IG

B and T Lymphocyte Densities Remain Stable With Age in Human Cortex.

ASN neuro

Berry K, Farias-Itao DS, Grinberg LT, Plowey ED, Schneider JA, Rodriguez RD, Suemoto CK, Buckwalter MS

Diagnostic Accuracy of Amyloid versus FDG PET in Autopsy-Confirmed Dementia.

Annals of neurology

Lesman-Segev OH, La Joie R, Iaccarino L, Lobach I, Rosen HJ, Seo SW, Janabi M, Baker SL, Edwards L, Pham J, Olichney J, Boxer A, Huang E, Gorno-Tempini M, DeCarli C, Hepker M, Hwang JL, Miller BL, Spina S, Grinberg LT, Seeley WW, Jagust WJ, Rabinovici GD

18F-flortaucipir PET to autopsy comparisons in Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.

Brain : a journal of neurology

Soleimani-Meigooni DN, Iaccarino L, La Joie R, Baker S, Bourakova V, Boxer AL, Edwards L, Eser R, Gorno-Tempini ML, Jagust WJ, Janabi M, Kramer JH, Lesman-Segev OH, Mellinger T, Miller BL, Pham J, Rosen HJ, Spina S, Seeley WW, Strom A, Grinberg LT, Rabinovici GD

Proteomic Characterization of Synaptosomes from Human Substantia Nigra Indicates Altered Mitochondrial Translation in Parkinson's Disease.


Plum S, Eggers B, Helling S, Stepath M, Theiss C, Leite REP, Molina M, Grinberg LT, Riederer P, Gerlach M, May C, Marcus K

Dementia in Latin America: Paving the way toward a regional action plan.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Parra MA, Baez S, Sedeño L, Gonzalez Campo C, Santamaría-García H, Aprahamian I, Bertolucci PH, Bustin J, Camargos Bicalho MA, Cano-Gutierrez C, Caramelli P, Chaves MLF, Cogram P, Beber BC, Court FA, de Souza LC, Custodio N, Damian A, de la Cruz M, Diehl Rodriguez R, Brucki SMD, Fajersztajn L, Farías GA, De Felice FG, Ferrari R, de Oliveira FF, Ferreira ST, Ferretti C, Figueredo Balthazar ML, Ferreira Frota NA, Fuentes P, García AM, Garcia PJ, de Gobbi Porto FH, Duque Peñailillo L, Engler HW, Maier I, Mata IF, Gonzalez-Billault C, Lopez OL, Morelli L, Nitrini R, Quiroz YT, Guerrero Barragan A, Huepe D, Pio FJ, Suemoto CK, Kochhann R, Kochen S, Kumfor F, Lanata S, Miller B, Mansur LL, Hosogi ML, Lillo P, Llibre Guerra J, Lira D, Lopera F, Comas A, Avila-Funes JA, Sosa AL, Ramos C, Resende EPF, Snyder HM, Tarnanas I, Yokoyama J, Llibre J, Cardona JF, Possin K, Kosik KS, Montesinos R, Moguilner S, Solis PCL, Ferretti-Rebustini REL, Ramirez JM, Matallana D, Mbakile-Mahlanza L, Marques Ton AM, Tavares RM, Miotto EC, Muniz-Terrera G, Muñoz-Nevárez LA, Orozco D, Okada de Oliveira M, Piguet O, Pintado Caipa M, Piña Escudero SD, Schilling LP, Rodrigues Palmeira AL, Yassuda MS, Santacruz-Escudero JM, Serafim RB, Smid J, Slachevsky A, Serrano C, Soto-Añari M, Takada LT, Grinberg LT, Teixeira AL, Barbosa MT, Trépel D, Ibanez A

Elevated levels of extracellular vesicles in progranulin-deficient mice and FTD-GRN Patients.

Annals of clinical and translational neurology

Arrant AE, Davis SE, Vollmer RM, Murchison CF, Mobley JA, Nana AL, Spina S, Grinberg LT, Karydas AM, Miller BL, Seeley WW, Roberson ED

Plasma tau and neurofilament light in frontotemporal lobar degeneration and Alzheimer's disease.


Illán-Gala I, Lleo A, Karydas A, Staffaroni AM, Zetterberg H, Sivasankaran R, Grinberg LT, Spina S, Kramer J, Ramos EM, Coppola G, La Joie R, Rabinovici GD, Perry DC, Gorno-Tempini ML, Seeley W, Miller BL, Rosen HJ, Blennow K, Boxer AL, Rojas JC

Tau PTM Profiles Identify Patient Heterogeneity and Stages of Alzheimer's Disease.


Wesseling H, Mair W, Kumar M, Schlaffner CN, Tang S, Beerepoot P, Fatou B, Guise AJ, Cheng L, Takeda S, Muntel J, Rotunno MS, Dujardin S, Davies P, Kosik KS, Miller BL, Berretta S, Hedreen JC, Grinberg LT, Seeley WW, Hyman BT, Steen H, Steen JA

Brain arteriolosclerosis.

Acta neuropathologica

Blevins BL, Vinters HV, Love S, Wilcock DM, Grinberg LT, Schneider JA, Kalaria RN, Katsumata Y, Gold BT, Wang DJJ, Ma SJ, Shade LMP, Fardo DW, Hartz AMS, Jicha GA, Nelson KB, Magaki SD, Schmitt FA, Teylan MA, Ighodaro ET, Phe P, Abner EL, Cykowski MD, Van Eldik LJ, Nelson PT

Differential levels of inflammatory and neuroendocrine markers in the hippocampus and anterior cingulate cortex of bipolar disorder subjects: A post-mortem study.

Brain, behavior, and immunity

Nascimento C, Nunes PV, Suemoto CK, Rodriguez RD, Leite REP, Grinberg LT, Pasqualucci CA, Nitrini R, Jacob-Filho W, Brentani HP, Lafer B

ß-amyloid pathology is not associated with depression in a large community sample autopsy study.

Journal of affective disorders

Saldanha NM, Suemoto CK, Rodriguez RD, Leite REP, Nascimento C, Ferreti-Rebustini R, da Silva MM, Pasqualucci CA, Nitrini R, Jacob-Filho W, Lafer B, Grinberg LT, Nunes PV

Salience Network Atrophy Links Neuron Type-Specific Pathobiology to Loss of Empathy in Frontotemporal Dementia.

Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)

Pasquini L, Nana AL, Toller G, Brown JA, Deng J, Staffaroni A, Kim EJ, Hwang JL, Li L, Park Y, Gaus SE, Allen I, Sturm VE, Spina S, Grinberg LT, Rankin KP, Kramer JH, Rosen HJ, Miller BL, Seeley WW

Regional and hemispheric susceptibility of the temporal lobe to FTLD-TDP type C pathology.

NeuroImage. Clinical

Borghesani V, Battistella G, Mandelli ML, Welch A, Weis E, Younes K, Neuhaus J, Grinberg LT, Seeley WM, Spina S, Miller B, Miller Z, Gorno-Tempini ML

Correction to: Relevance of biomarkers across different neurodegenerative diseases.

Alzheimer's research & therapy

Ehrenberg AJ, Khatun A, Coomans E, Betts MJ, Capraro F, Thijssen EH, Senkevich K, Bharucha T, Jafarpour M, Young PNE, Jagust W, Carter SF, Lashley T, Grinberg LT, Pereira JB, Mattsson-Carlgren N, Ashton NJ, Hanrieder J, Zetterberg H, Schöll M, Paterson RW

Relevance of biomarkers across different neurodegenerative.

Alzheimer's research & therapy

Ehrenberg AJ, Khatun A, Coomans E, Betts MJ, Capraro F, Thijssen EH, Senkevich K, Bharucha T, Jafarpour M, Young PNE, Jagust W, Carter SF, Lashley T, Grinberg LT, Pereira JB, Mattsson-Carlgren N, Ashton NJ, Hanrieder J, Zetterberg H, Schöll M, Paterson RW

Similar microglial cell densities across brain structures and mammalian species: Implications for brain tissue function.

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience

Dos Santos SE, Medeiros M, Porfirio J, Tavares W, Pessôa L, Grinberg L, Leite R, Ferretti-Rebustini REL, Suemoto C, Filho WJ, Noctor SC, Sherwood CC, Kaas JH, Manger PR, Herculano-Houzel S

Tau Positron Emission Tomographic Findings in a Former US Football Player With Pathologically Confirmed Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy.

JAMA neurology

Mantyh WG, Spina S, Lee A, Iaccarino L, Soleimani-Meigooni D, Tsoy E, Mellinger TJ, Grant H, Vandevrede L, La Joie R, Lesman-Segev O, Gaus S, Possin KL, Grinberg LT, Miller BL, Seeley WW, Rabinovici GD

Temporal variant of frontotemporal dementia in C9orf72 repeat expansion carriers: two case studies.

Brain imaging and behavior

Caso F, Agosta F, Magnani G, Cardamone R, Borghesani V, Miller Z, Riva N, La Joie R, Coppola G, Grinberg LT, Seeley WW, Miller BL, Gorno-Tempini ML, Filippi M

A manual multiplex immunofluorescence method for investigating neurodegenerative diseases.

Journal of neuroscience methods

Ehrenberg AJ, Morales DO, Piergies AMH, Li SH, Tejedor JS, Mladinov M, Mulder J, Grinberg LT

Diagnostic value of plasma phosphorylated tau181 in Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal lobar degeneration.

Nature medicine

Thijssen EH, La Joie R, Wolf A, Strom A, Wang P, Iaccarino L, Bourakova V, Cobigo Y, Heuer H, Spina S, VandeVrede L, Chai X, Proctor NK, Airey DC, Shcherbinin S, Duggan Evans C, Sims JR, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Karydas AM, Teunissen CE, Kramer JH, Grinberg LT, Seeley WW, Rosen H, Boeve BF, Miller BL, Rabinovici GD, Dage JL, Rojas JC, Boxer AL

Language and spatial dysfunction in Alzheimer disease with white matter thorn-shaped astrocytes: Astrocytic tau, cognitive function, and Alzheimer disease.


Resende EPF, Nolan AL, Petersen C, Ehrenberg AJ, Spina S, Allen IE, Rosen HJ, Kramer J, Miller BL, Seeley WW, Gorno-Tempini ML, Miller Z, Grinberg LT

Correction to: 4-Repeat tau seeds and templating subtypes as brain and CSF biomarkers of frontotemporal lobar degeneration.

Acta neuropathologica

Saijo E, Metrick MA, Koga S, Parchi P, Litvan I, Spina S, Boxer A, Rojas JC, Galasko D, Kraus A, Rossi M, Newell K, Zanusso G, Grinberg LT, Seeley WW, Ghetti B, Dickson DW, Caughey B

Response to the letter of Drs. Dani and Pittella.

Brain pathology (Zurich, Switzerland)

Suemoto CK, Leite REP, Ferretti-Rebustini REL, Rodriguez RD, Nitrini R, Pasqualucci CA, Jacob-Filho W, Grinberg LT

Impaired ß-glucocerebrosidase activity and processing in frontotemporal dementia due to progranulin mutations.

Acta neuropathologica communications

Arrant AE, Roth JR, Boyle NR, Kashyap SN, Hoffmann MQ, Murchison CF, Ramos EM, Nana AL, Spina S, Grinberg LT, Miller BL, Seeley WW, Roberson ED

B Lymphocytes and Macrophages in the Perivascular Adipose Tissue Are Associated With Coronary Atherosclerosis: An Autopsy Study.

Journal of the American Heart Association

Farias-Itao DS, Pasqualucci CA, Nishizawa A, da Silva LFF, Campos FM, Bittencourt MS, da Silva KCS, Leite REP, Grinberg LT, Ferretti-Rebustini REL, Jacob-Filho W, Suemoto CK

Astrocytic Tau Deposition Is Frequent in Typical and Atypical Alzheimer Disease Presentations.

Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology

Nolan A, De Paula Franca Resende E, Petersen C, Neylan K, Spina S, Huang E, Seeley W, Miller Z, Grinberg LT

Adenovirus-Mediated Transduction of Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Protects Hippocampal Neurons from the Toxicity of Aß Oligomers and Prevents Memory Loss in an Alzheimer Mouse Model.

Molecular neurobiology

Selles MC, Fortuna JTS, Zappa-Villar MF, de Faria YPR, Souza AS, Suemoto CK, Leite REP, Rodriguez RD, Grinberg LT, Reggiani PC, Ferreira ST

Cortical developmental abnormalities in logopenic variant primary progressive aphasia with dyslexia.

Brain communications

Miller ZA, Spina S, Pakvasa M, Rosenberg L, Watson C, Mandelli ML, Paredes MF, Joie R, Rabinovici GD, Rosen HJ, Grinberg LT, Huang EJ, Miller BL, Seeley WW, Gorno-Tempini ML

Preferential tau aggregation in von Economo neurons and fork cells in frontotemporal lobar degeneration with specific MAPT variants.

Acta neuropathologica communications

Lin LC, Nana AL, Hepker M, Hwang JL, Gaus SE, Spina S, Cosme CG, Gan L, Grinberg LT, Geschwind DH, Coppola G, Rosen HJ, Miller BL, Seeley WW

A Comprehensive Resource for Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells from Patients with Primary Tauopathies.

Stem cell reports

Karch CM, Kao AW, Karydas A, Onanuga K, Martinez R, Argouarch A, Wang C, Huang C, Sohn PD, Bowles KR, Spina S, Silva MC, Marsh JA, Hsu S, Pugh DA, Ghoshal N, Norton J, Huang Y, Lee SE, Seeley WW, Theofilas P, Grinberg LT, Moreno F, McIlroy K, Boeve BF, Cairns NJ, Crary JF, Haggarty SJ, Ichida JK, Kosik KS, Miller BL, Gan L, Goate AM, Temple S

4-Repeat tau seeds and templating subtypes as brain and CSF biomarkers of frontotemporal lobar degeneration.

Acta neuropathologica

Saijo E, Metrick MA, Koga S, Parchi P, Litvan I, Spina S, Boxer A, Rojas JC, Galasko D, Kraus A, Rossi M, Newell K, Zanusso G, Grinberg LT, Seeley WW, Ghetti B, Dickson DW, Caughey B

Patient-Tailored, Connectivity-Based Forecasts of Spreading Brain Atrophy.


Brown JA, Deng J, Neuhaus J, Sible IJ, Sias AC, Lee SE, Kornak J, Marx GA, Karydas AM, Spina S, Grinberg LT, Coppola G, Geschwind DH, Kramer JH, Gorno-Tempini ML, Miller BL, Rosen HJ, Seeley WW

Compromised function of the ESCRT pathway promotes endolysosomal escape of tau seeds and propagation of tau aggregation.

The Journal of biological chemistry

Chen JJ, Nathaniel DL, Raghavan P, Nelson M, Tian R, Tse E, Hong JY, See SK, Mok SA, Hein MY, Southworth DR, Grinberg LT, Gestwicki JE, Leonetti MD, Kampmann M

Evidence of corticofugal tau spreading in patients with frontotemporal dementia.

Acta neuropathologica

Kim EJ, Hwang JL, Gaus SE, Nana AL, Deng J, Brown JA, Spina S, Lee MJ, Ramos EM, Grinberg LT, Kramer JH, Boxer AL, Gorno-Tempini ML, Rosen HJ, Miller BL, Seeley WW

Locus coeruleus imaging as a biomarker for noradrenergic dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases.

Brain : a journal of neurology

Betts MJ, Kirilina E, Otaduy MCG, Ivanov D, Acosta-Cabronero J, Callaghan MF, Lambert C, Cardenas-Blanco A, Pine K, Passamonti L, Loane C, Keuken MC, Trujillo P, Lüsebrink F, Mattern H, Liu KY, Priovoulos N, Fliessbach K, Dahl MJ, Maaß A, Madelung CF, Meder D, Ehrenberg AJ, Speck O, Weiskopf N, Dolan R, Inglis B, Tosun D, Morawski M, Zucca FA, Siebner HR, Mather M, Uludag K, Heinsen H, Poser BA, Howard R, Zecca L, Rowe JB, Grinberg LT, Jacobs HIL, Düzel E, Hämmerer D

Profound degeneration of wake-promoting neurons in Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Oh J, Eser RA, Ehrenberg AJ, Morales D, Petersen C, Kudlacek J, Dunlop SR, Theofilas P, Resende EDPF, Cosme C, Alho EJL, Spina S, Walsh CM, Miller BL, Seeley WW, Bittencourt JC, Neylan TC, Heinsen H, Grinberg LT

Specificity for latent C termini links the E3 ubiquitin ligase CHIP to caspases.

Nature chemical biology

Ravalin M, Theofilas P, Basu K, Opoku-Nsiah KA, Assimon VA, Medina-Cleghorn D, Chen YF, Bohn MF, Arkin M, Grinberg LT, Craik CS, Gestwicki JE

Neuropathological correlates of structural and functional imaging biomarkers in 4-repeat tauopathies.

Brain : a journal of neurology

Spina S, Brown JA, Deng J, Gardner RC, Nana AL, Hwang JL, Gaus SE, Huang EJ, Kramer JH, Rosen HJ, Kornak J, Neuhaus J, Miller BL, Grinberg LT, Boxer AL, Seeley WW

Alzheimer's disease clinical variants show distinct regional patterns of neurofibrillary tangle accumulation.

Acta neuropathologica

Petersen C, Nolan AL, de Paula França Resende E, Miller Z, Ehrenberg AJ, Gorno-Tempini ML, Rosen HJ, Kramer JH, Spina S, Rabinovici GD, Miller BL, Seeley WW, Heinsen H, Grinberg LT

Direct Measurements of Abdominal Visceral Fat and Cognitive Impairment in Late Life: Findings From an Autopsy Study.

Frontiers in aging neuroscience

Nishizawa A, Cuelho A, de Farias-Itao DS, Campos FM, Leite REP, Ferretti-Rebustini REL, Grinberg LT, Nitrini R, Jacob-Filho W, Pasqualucci CA, Suemoto CK

Atypical clinical features associated with mixed pathology in a case of non-fluent variant primary progressive aphasia.


De Leon J, Mandelli ML, Nolan A, Miller ZA, Mead C, Watson C, Welch AE, Henry ML, Bourakova V, La Joie R, Bajorek LP, Grinberg L, Rabinovici G, Miller BL, Gorno-Tempini ML

A review on shared clinical and molecular mechanisms between bipolar disorder and frontotemporal dementia.

Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry

Nascimento C, Villela Nunes P, Diehl Rodriguez R, Takada L, Kimie Suemoto C, Tenenholz Grinberg L, Nitrini R, Lafer B

Neuropathological lesions in the very old: results from a large brazilian autopsy study.

Brain pathology (Zurich, Switzerland)

Suemoto CK, Leite REP, Ferretti-Rebustini REL, Rodriguez RD, Nitrini R, Pasqualucci CA, Jacob-Filho W, Grinberg LT

The role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in harmonization of high-resolution post-mortem MRI (virtopsy) with respect to brain microstructure.

Brain informatics

O'Sullivan S, Heinsen H, Grinberg LT, Chimelli L, Amaro E, do Nascimento Saldiva PH, Jeanquartier F, Jean-Quartier C, da Graça Morais Martin M, Sajid MI, Holzinger A

Initial findings of striatum tripartite model in OCD brain samples based on transcriptome analysis.

Scientific reports

Lisboa BCG, Oliveira KC, Tahira AC, Barbosa AR, Feltrin AS, Gouveia G, Lima L, Feio Dos Santos AC, Martins DC, Puga RD, Moretto AC, De Bragança Pereira CA, Lafer B, Leite REP, Ferretti-Rebustini REL, Farfel JM, Grinberg LT, Jacob-Filho W, Miguel EC, Hoexter MQ, Brentani H

Genome-wide analyses as part of the international FTLD-TDP whole-genome sequencing consortium reveals novel disease risk factors and increases support for immune dysfunction in FTLD.

Acta neuropathologica

Pottier C, Ren Y, Perkerson RB, Baker M, Jenkins GD, van Blitterswijk M, DeJesus-Hernandez M, van Rooij JGJ, Murray ME, Christopher E, McDonnell SK, Fogarty Z, Batzler A, Tian S, Vicente CT, Matchett B, Karydas AM, Hsiung GR, Seelaar H, Mol MO, Finger EC, Graff C, Öijerstedt L, Neumann M, Heutink P, Synofzik M, Wilke C, Prudlo J, Rizzu P, Simon-Sanchez J, Edbauer D, Roeber S, Diehl-Schmid J, Evers BM, King A, Mesulam MM, Weintraub S, Geula C, Bieniek KF, Petrucelli L, Ahern GL, Reiman EM, Woodruff BK, Caselli RJ, Huey ED, Farlow MR, Grafman J, Mead S, Grinberg LT, Spina S, Grossman M, Irwin DJ, Lee EB, Suh E, Snowden J, Mann D, Ertekin-Taner N, Uitti RJ, Wszolek ZK, Josephs KA, Parisi JE, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Hodges JR, Piguet O, Geier EG, Yokoyama JS, Rissman RA, Rogaeva E, Keith J, Zinman L, Tartaglia MC, Cairns NJ, Cruchaga C, Ghetti B, Kofler J, Lopez OL, Beach TG, Arzberger T, Herms J, Honig LS, Vonsattel JP, Halliday GM, Kwok JB, White CL, Gearing M, Glass J, Rollinson S, Pickering-Brown S, Rohrer JD, Trojanowski JQ, Van Deerlin V, Bigio EH, Troakes C, Al-Sarraj S, Asmann Y, Miller BL, Graff-Radford NR, Boeve BF, Seeley WW, Mackenzie IRA, van Swieten JC, Dickson DW, Biernacka JM, Rademakers R

Longitudinal multimodal imaging and clinical endpoints for frontotemporal dementia clinical trials.

Brain : a journal of neurology

Staffaroni AM, Ljubenkov PA, Kornak J, Cobigo Y, Datta S, Marx G, Walters SM, Chiang K, Olney N, Elahi FM, Knopman DS, Dickerson BC, Boeve BF, Gorno-Tempini ML, Spina S, Grinberg LT, Seeley WW, Miller BL, Kramer JH, Boxer AL, Rosen HJ

18F-flortaucipir (AV-1451) tau PET in frontotemporal dementia syndromes.

Alzheimer's research & therapy

Tsai RM, Bejanin A, Lesman-Segev O, LaJoie R, Visani A, Bourakova V, O'Neil JP, Janabi M, Baker S, Lee SE, Perry DC, Bajorek L, Karydas A, Spina S, Grinberg LT, Seeley WW, Ramos EM, Coppola G, Gorno-Tempini ML, Miller BL, Rosen HJ, Jagust W, Boxer AL, Rabinovici GD

Multiple system atrophy prions retain strain specificity after serial propagation in two different Tg(SNCA*A53T) mouse lines.

Acta neuropathologica

Woerman AL, Oehler A, Kazmi SA, Lee J, Halliday GM, Middleton LT, Gentleman SM, Mordes DA, Spina S, Grinberg LT, Olson SH, Prusiner SB

Primary progressive aphasia and the FTD-MND spectrum disorders: clinical, pathological, and neuroimaging correlates.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis & frontotemporal degeneration

Vinceti G, Olney N, Mandelli ML, Spina S, Hubbard HI, Santos-Santos MA, Watson C, Miller ZA, Lomen-Hoerth C, Nichelli P, Miller BL, Grinberg LT, Seeley WW, Gorno-Tempini ML

Neuropsychiatric Inventory in Community-Dwelling Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia.

Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD

Nunes PV, Schwarzer MC, Leite REP, Ferretti-Rebustini REL, Pasqualucci CA, Nitrini R, Rodriguez RD, Nascimento CF, Oliveira KC, Grinberg LT, Jacob-Filho W, Lafer B, Suemoto CK

Neurons selectively targeted in frontotemporal dementia reveal early stage TDP-43 pathobiology.

Acta neuropathologica

Nana AL, Sidhu M, Gaus SE, Hwang JL, Li L, Park Y, Kim EJ, Pasquini L, Allen IE, Rankin KP, Toller G, Kramer JH, Geschwind DH, Coppola G, Huang EJ, Grinberg LT, Miller BL, Seeley WW

Is Olfactory Epithelium Biopsy Useful for Confirming Alzheimer's Disease?

The Annals of otology, rhinology, and laryngology

Godoy MDCL, Fornazieri MA, Doty RL, Pinna FR, Farfel JM, Santos GBD, Molina M, Ferretti-Rebustini REL, Leite REP, Suemoto CK, Grinberg LT, Pasqualucci CAG, Voegels RL, Nitrini R, Jacob Filho W

Primary School Education May Be Sufficient to Moderate a Memory-Hippocampal Relationship.

Frontiers in aging neuroscience

Resende EPF, Rosen HJ, Chiang K, Staffaroni AM, Allen I, Grinberg LT, Carmona KC, Guimarães HC, Carvalho VA, Barbosa MT, de Souza LC, Caramelli P

Rare variants in the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis gene MFSD8 are candidate risk factors for frontotemporal dementia.

Acta neuropathologica

Geier EG, Bourdenx M, Storm NJ, Cochran JN, Sirkis DW, Hwang JH, Bonham LW, Ramos EM, Diaz A, Van Berlo V, Dokuru D, Nana AL, Karydas A, Balestra ME, Huang Y, Russo SP, Spina S, Grinberg LT, Seeley WW, Myers RM, Miller BL, Coppola G, Lee SE, Cuervo AM, Yokoyama JS

The role of co-neurotransmitters in sleep and wake regulation.

Molecular psychiatry

Oh J, Petersen C, Walsh CM, Bittencourt JC, Neylan TC, Grinberg LT

Multisite study of the relationships between antemortem [11C]PIB-PET Centiloid values and postmortem measures of Alzheimer's disease neuropathology.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Joie R, Ayakta N, Seeley WW, Borys E, Boxer AL, DeCarli C, Doré V, Grinberg LT, Huang E, Hwang JH, Ikonomovic MD, Jack C, Jagust WJ, Jin LW, Klunk WE, Kofler J, Lesman-Segev OH, Lockhart SN, Lowe VJ, Masters CL, Mathis CA, McLean CL, Miller BL, Mungas D, O'Neil JP, Olichney JM, Parisi JE, Petersen RC, Rosen HJ, Rowe CC, Spina S, Vemuri P, Villemagne VL, Murray ME, Rabinovici GD

Mixed TDP-43 proteinopathy and tauopathy in frontotemporal lobar degeneration: nine case series.

Journal of neurology

Kim EJ, Brown JA, Deng J, Hwang JL, Spina S, Miller ZA, DeMay MG, Valcour V, Karydas A, Ramos EM, Coppola G, Miller BL, Rosen HJ, Seeley WW, Grinberg LT

Layer-specific reduced neuronal density in the orbitofrontal cortex of older adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Brain structure & function

de Oliveira KC, Grinberg LT, Hoexter MQ, Brentani H, Suemoto CK, Nery FG, Lima LC, Alho ATDL, Farfel JM, Ferretti-Rebustini REL, Leite REP, Moretto AC, da Silva AV, Lafer B, Miguel EC, Nitrini R, Jacob-Filho W, Heinsen H, Pasqualucci CA

Lower mitochondrial DNA content but not increased mutagenesis associates with decreased base excision repair activity in brains of AD subjects.

Neurobiology of aging

Soltys DT, Pereira CPM, Rowies FT, Farfel JM, Grinberg LT, Suemoto CK, Leite REP, Rodriguez RD, Ericson NG, Bielas JH, Souza-Pinto NC

Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers predict frontotemporal dementia trajectory.

Annals of clinical and translational neurology

Ljubenkov PA, Staffaroni AM, Rojas JC, Allen IE, Wang P, Heuer H, Karydas A, Kornak J, Cobigo Y, Seeley WW, Grinberg LT, Spina S, Fagan AM, Jerome G, Knopman D, Boeve BF, Dickerson BC, Kramer J, Miller B, Boxer AL, Rosen HJ

Low brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in post-mortem brains of older adults with depression and dementia in a large clinicopathological sample.

Journal of affective disorders

Nunes PV, Nascimento CF, Kim HK, Andreazza AC, Brentani HP, Suemoto CK, Leite REP, Ferretti-Rebustini REL, Pasqualucci CA, Nitrini R, Grinberg LT, Yong LT, Jacob-Filho W, Lafer B

On the origin of tau seeding activity in Alzheimer's disease.

Acta neuropathologica

Heinsen H, Grinberg LT

A patient with posterior cortical atrophy due to Alzheimer's disease.

Dementia & neuropsychologia

de Souza RKM, Grinberg LT, Josviak ND, de Almeida DB, Ramina R, Kowacs PA, Caramelli P

Increased DNA Copy Number Variation Mosaicism in Elderly Human Brain.

Neural plasticity

Villela D, Suemoto CK, Leite R, Pasqualucci CA, Grinberg LT, Pearson P, Rosenberg C

Pathoarchitectonics of the cerebral cortex in chorea-acanthocytosis and HD.

Neuropathology and applied neurobiology

Liu J, Heinsen H, Grinberg LT, Alho E, Amaro E, Pasqualucci CA, Rüb U, Seidel K, den Dunnen W, Arzberger T, Schmitz C, Kiessling MC, Bader B, Danek A

Prevalence of Mathematical and Visuospatial Learning Disabilities in Patients With Posterior Cortical Atrophy.

JAMA neurology

Miller ZA, Rosenberg L, Santos-Santos MA, Stephens M, Allen IE, Hubbard HI, Cantwell A, Mandelli ML, Grinberg LT, Seeley WW, Miller BL, Rabinovici GD, Gorno-Tempini ML

Potential genetic modifiers of disease risk and age at onset in patients with frontotemporal lobar degeneration and GRN mutations: a genome-wide association study.

The Lancet. Neurology

Pottier C, Zhou X, Perkerson RB, Baker M, Jenkins GD, Serie DJ, Ghidoni R, Benussi L, Binetti G, López de Munain A, Zulaica M, Moreno F, Le Ber I, Pasquier F, Hannequin D, Sánchez-Valle R, Antonell A, Lladó A, Parsons TM, Finch NA, Finger EC, Lippa CF, Huey ED, Neumann M, Heutink P, Synofzik M, Wilke C, Rissman RA, Slawek J, Sitek E, Johannsen P, Nielsen JE, Ren Y, van Blitterswijk M, DeJesus-Hernandez M, Christopher E, Murray ME, Bieniek KF, Evers BM, Ferrari C, Rollinson S, Richardson A, Scarpini E, Fumagalli GG, Padovani A, Hardy J, Momeni P, Ferrari R, Frangipane F, Maletta R, Anfossi M, Gallo M, Petrucelli L, Suh E, Lopez OL, Wong TH, van Rooij JGJ, Seelaar H, Mead S, Caselli RJ, Reiman EM, Noel Sabbagh M, Kjolby M, Nykjaer A, Karydas AM, Boxer AL, Grinberg LT, Grafman J, Spina S, Oblak A, Mesulam MM, Weintraub S, Geula C, Hodges JR, Piguet O, Brooks WS, Irwin DJ, Trojanowski JQ, Lee EB, Josephs KA, Parisi JE, Ertekin-Taner N, Knopman DS, Nacmias B, Piaceri I, Bagnoli S, Sorbi S, Gearing M, Glass J, Beach TG, Black SE, Masellis M, Rogaeva E, Vonsattel JP, Honig LS, Kofler J, Bruni AC, Snowden J, Mann D, Pickering-Brown S, Diehl-Schmid J, Winkelmann J, Galimberti D, Graff C, Öijerstedt L, Troakes C, Al-Sarraj S, Cruchaga C, Cairns NJ, Rohrer JD, Halliday GM, Kwok JB, van Swieten JC, White CL, Ghetti B, Murell JR, Mackenzie IRA, Hsiung GR, Borroni B, Rossi G, Tagliavini F, Wszolek ZK, Petersen RC, Bigio EH, Grossman M, Van Deerlin VM, Seeley WW, Miller BL, Graff-Radford NR, Boeve BF, Dickson DW, Biernacka JM, Rademakers R

A case of semantic variant primary progressive aphasia with Pick's pathology.


Caplan A, Marx G, Elofson J, Lis C, Grinberg L, Miller B, Rosen H

Rates of Amyloid Imaging Positivity in Patients With Primary Progressive Aphasia.

JAMA neurology

Santos-Santos MA, Rabinovici GD, Iaccarino L, Ayakta N, Tammewar G, Lobach I, Henry ML, Hubbard I, Mandelli ML, Spinelli E, Miller ZA, Pressman PS, O'Neil JP, Ghosh P, Lazaris A, Meyer M, Watson C, Yoon SJ, Rosen HJ, Grinberg L, Seeley WW, Miller BL, Jagust WJ, Gorno-Tempini ML

Early vs late age at onset frontotemporal dementia and frontotemporal lobar degeneration.


Seo SW, Thibodeau MP, Perry DC, Hua A, Sidhu M, Sible I, Vargas JNS, Gaus SE, Rabinovici GD, Rankin KD, Boxer AL, Kramer JH, Rosen HJ, Gorno-Tempini ML, Grinberg LT, Huang EJ, DeArmond SJ, Trojanowski JQ, Miller BL, Seeley WW

Selective Vulnerability of Brainstem Nuclei in Distinct Tauopathies: A Postmortem Study.

Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology

Eser RA, Ehrenberg AJ, Petersen C, Dunlop S, Mejia MB, Suemoto CK, Walsh CM, Rajana H, Oh J, Theofilas P, Seeley WW, Miller BL, Neylan TC, Heinsen H, Grinberg LT

Subcortical neurodegeneration in chorea: Similarities and differences between chorea-acanthocytosis and Huntington's disease.

Parkinsonism & related disorders

Liu J, Heinsen H, Grinberg LT, Alho E, Amaro E, Pasqualucci CA, Rüb U, den Dunnen W, Arzberger T, Schmitz C, Kiessling M, Bader B, Danek A

Neuropathologic Correlates of Psychiatric Symptoms in Alzheimer's Disease.

Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD

Ehrenberg AJ, Suemoto CK, de Paula França Resende E, Petersen C, Leite REP, Rodriguez RD, Ferretti-Rebustini REL, You M, Oh J, Nitrini R, Pasqualucci CA, Jacob-Filho W, Kramer JH, Gatchel JR, Grinberg LT

Morphometric measurements of extracranial and intracranial atherosclerotic disease: A population-based autopsy study.


Suemoto CK, Grinberg LT, Leite REP, Ferretti-Rebustini REL, Jacob-Filho W, Yaffe K, Nitrini R, Pasqualucci CA

Clinicopathological correlations in behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia.

Brain : a journal of neurology

Perry DC, Brown JA, Possin KL, Datta S, Trujillo A, Radke A, Karydas A, Kornak J, Sias AC, Rabinovici GD, Gorno-Tempini ML, Boxer AL, De May M, Rankin KP, Sturm VE, Lee SE, Matthews BR, Kao AW, Vossel KA, Tartaglia MC, Miller ZA, Seo SW, Sidhu M, Gaus SE, Nana AL, Vargas JNS, Hwang JL, Ossenkoppele R, Brown AB, Huang EJ, Coppola G, Rosen HJ, Geschwind D, Trojanowski JQ, Grinberg LT, Kramer JH, Miller BL, Seeley WW

High thickness histological sections as alternative to study the three-dimensional microscopic human sub-cortical neuroanatomy.

Brain structure & function

Alho EJL, Alho ATDL, Grinberg L, Amaro E, Dos Santos GAB, da Silva RE, Neves RC, Alegro M, Coelho DB, Teixeira MJ, Fonoff ET, Heinsen H

Sleepless Night and Day, the Plight of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy.


Walsh CM, Ruoff L, Walker K, Emery A, Varbel J, Karageorgiou E, Luong PN, Mance I, Heuer HW, Boxer AL, Grinberg LT, Kramer JH, Miller BL, Neylan TC

Morphometric measurements of systemic atherosclerosis and visceral fat: Evidence from an autopsy study.

PloS one

Nishizawa A, Suemoto CK, Farias-Itao DS, Campos FM, Silva KCS, Bittencourt MS, Grinberg LT, Leite REP, Ferretti-Rebustini REL, Farfel JM, Jacob-Filho W, Pasqualucci CA

18 F-flortaucipir tau positron emission tomography distinguishes established progressive supranuclear palsy from controls and Parkinson disease: A multicenter study.

Annals of neurology

Schonhaut DR, McMillan CT, Spina S, Dickerson BC, Siderowf A, Devous MD, Tsai R, Winer J, Russell DS, Litvan I, Roberson ED, Seeley WW, Grinberg LT, Kramer JH, Miller BL, Pressman P, Nasrallah I, Baker SL, Gomperts SN, Johnson KA, Grossman M, Jagust WJ, Boxer AL, Rabinovici GD

Association between diabetes and causes of dementia: Evidence from a clinicopathological study.

Dementia & neuropsychologia

Matioli MNPDS, Suemoto CK, Rodriguez RD, Farias DS, da Silva MM, Leite REP, Ferretti-Rebustini REL, Pasqualucci CA, Jacob W, Grinberg LT, Nitrini R

Focal cerebral ß-amyloid angiopathy: A distinct clinicopathologic presentation.

Neurology. Clinical practice

Karageorgiou E, Naasan G, Pleasure SJ, Alexandrescu S, Gelfand JM, Tammewar G, Miller BL, Rabinovici GD, Grinberg LT

Vascular cognitive impairment.

Dementia & neuropsychologia

Yassuda MS, Grinberg LT

ApoE4 markedly exacerbates tau-mediated neurodegeneration in a mouse model of tauopathy.


Shi Y, Yamada K, Liddelow SA, Smith ST, Zhao L, Luo W, Tsai RM, Spina S, Grinberg LT, Rojas JC, Gallardo G, Wang K, Roh J, Robinson G, Finn MB, Jiang H, Sullivan PM, Baufeld C, Wood MW, Sutphen C, McCue L, Xiong C, Del-Aguila JL, Morris JC, Cruchaga C

Prevalence of transactive response DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) proteinopathy in cognitively normal older adults: systematic review and meta-analysis.

Neuropathology and applied neurobiology

Nascimento C, Di Lorenzo Alho AT, Bazan Conceição Amaral C, Leite REP, Nitrini R, Jacob-Filho W, Pasqualucci CA, Hokkanen SRK, Hunter S, Keage H, Kovacs GG, Grinberg LT, Suemoto CK

Probing the correlation of neuronal loss, neurofibrillary tangles, and cell death markers across the Alzheimer's disease Braak stages: a quantitative study in humans.

Neurobiology of aging

Theofilas P, Ehrenberg AJ, Nguy A, Thackrey JM, Dunlop S, Mejia MB, Alho AT, Paraizo Leite RE, Rodriguez RD, Suemoto CK, Nascimento CF, Chin M, Medina-Cleghorn D, Cuervo AM, Arkin M, Seeley WW, Miller BL, Nitrini R, Pasqualucci CA, Filho WJ, Rueb U, Neuhaus J, Heinsen H, Grinberg LT

Globular glial tauopathy presenting as non-fluent/agrammatic variant primary progressive aphasia with chorea.

Parkinsonism & related disorders

Kim EJ, Lee MJ, Lee JH, Lee YM, Shin JH, Shin MJ, Choi KU, Jung NY, Pak K, Hwang C, Ahn JW, Sung S, Spina S, Grinberg LT, Seeley WW, Huh GY

Multisite Assessment of Aging-Related Tau Astrogliopathy (ARTAG).

Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology

Kovacs GG, Xie SX, Lee EB, Robinson JL, Caswell C, Irwin DJ, Toledo JB, Johnson VE, Smith DH, Alafuzoff I, Attems J, Bencze J, Bieniek KF, Bigio EH, Bodi I, Budka H, Dickson DW, Dugger BN, Duyckaerts C, Ferrer I, Forrest SL, Gelpi E, Gentleman SM, Giaccone G, Grinberg LT, Halliday GM, Hatanpaa KJ, Hof PR, Hofer M, Hortobágyi T, Ironside JW, King A, Kofler J, Kövari E, Kril JJ, Love S, Mackenzie IR, Mao Q, Matej R, McLean C, Munoz DG, Murray ME, Neltner J, Nelson PT, Ritchie D, Rodriguez RD, Rohan Z, Rozemuller A, Sakai K, Schultz C, Seilhean D, Smith V, Tacik P, Takahashi H, Takao M, Rudolf Thal D, Weis S, Wharton SB, White CL, Woulfe JM, Yamada M, Trojanowski JQ

Precipitous Deterioration of Motor Function, Cognition, and Behavior.

JAMA neurology

Fernández-Fournier M, Perry DC, Tartaglia MC, de May M, Boxer A, Coppola G, Christine CW, Huang EJ, Seeley WW, Miller BL, DeArmond SJ, Grinberg LT, Geschwind MD

Quantifying the accretion of hyperphosphorylated tau in the locus coeruleus and dorsal raphe nucleus: the pathological building blocks of early Alzheimer's disease.

Neuropathology and applied neurobiology

Ehrenberg AJ, Nguy AK, Theofilas P, Dunlop S, Suemoto CK, Di Lorenzo Alho AT, Leite RP, Diehl Rodriguez R, Mejia MB, Rüb U, Farfel JM, de Lucena Ferretti-Rebustini RE, Nascimento CF, Nitrini R, Pasquallucci CA, Jacob-Filho W, Miller B, Seeley WW, Heinsen H, Grinberg LT

Neuropathological diagnoses and clinical correlates in older adults in Brazil: A cross-sectional study.

PLoS medicine

Suemoto CK, Ferretti-Rebustini RE, Rodriguez RD, Leite RE, Soterio L, Brucki SM, Spera RR, Cippiciani TM, Farfel JM, Chiavegatto Filho A, Naslavsky MS, Zatz M, Pasqualucci CA, Jacob-Filho W, Nitrini R, Grinberg LT

Typical and atypical pathology in primary progressive aphasia variants.

Annals of neurology

Spinelli EG, Mandelli ML, Miller ZA, Santos-Santos MA, Wilson SM, Agosta F, Grinberg LT, Huang EJ, Trojanowski JQ, Meyer M, Henry ML, Comi G, Rabinovici G, Rosen HJ, Filippi M, Miller BL, Seeley WW, Gorno-Tempini ML

Magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging for the pedunculopontine nucleus: proof of concept and histological correlation.

Brain structure & function

Alho ATDL, Hamani C, Alho EJL, da Silva RE, Santos GAB, Neves RC, Carreira LL, Araújo CMM, Magalhães G, Coelho DB, Alegro MC, Martin MGM, Grinberg LT, Pasqualucci CA, Heinsen H, Fonoff ET, Amaro E

Automating cell detection and classification in human brain fluorescent microscopy images using dictionary learning and sparse coding.

Journal of neuroscience methods

Alegro M, Theofilas P, Nguy A, Castruita PA, Seeley W, Heinsen H, Ushizima DM, Grinberg LT

Factors associated with brain volume in major depression in older adults without dementia: results from a large autopsy study.

International journal of geriatric psychiatry

Nunes PV, Suemoto CK, Leite REP, Ferretti-Rebustini REL, Pasqualucci CA, Nitrini R, Farfel JM, de Oliveira KC, Grinberg LT, da Costa NR, Nascimento CF, Salmasi F, Kim HK, Young LT, Jacob-Filho W, Lafer B

Diabetes is Not Associated with Alzheimer's Disease Neuropathology.

Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD

Dos Santos Matioli MNP, Suemoto CK, Rodriguez RD, Farias DS, da Silva MM, Leite REP, Ferretti-Rebustini REL, Farfel JM, Pasqualucci CA, Jacob Filho W, Arvanitakis Z, Naslavsky MS, Zatz M, Grinberg LT, Nitrini R

Tau prions from Alzheimer's disease and chronic traumatic encephalopathy patients propagate in cultured cells.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Woerman AL, Aoyagi A, Patel S, Kazmi SA, Lobach I, Grinberg LT, McKee AC, Seeley WW, Olson SH, Prusiner SB

Perivascular Adipose Tissue Inflammation and Coronary Artery Disease: An Autopsy Study Protocol.

JMIR research protocols

Farias-Itao DS, Pasqualucci CA, Nishizawa A, Silva LF, Campos FM, Silva KC, Leite RE, Grinberg LT, Ferretti-Rebustini RE, Jacob Filho W, Suemoto CK

Regional correlations between [11C]PIB PET and post-mortem burden of amyloid-beta pathology in a diverse neuropathological cohort.

NeuroImage. Clinical

Seo SW, Ayakta N, Grinberg LT, Villeneuve S, Lehmann M, Reed B, DeCarli C, Miller BL, Rosen HJ, Boxer AL, O'Neil JP, Jin LW, Seeley WW, Jagust WJ, Rabinovici GD

Increased prevalence of autoimmune disease within C9 and FTD/MND cohorts: Completing the picture.

Neurology(R) neuroimmunology & neuroinflammation

Miller ZA, Sturm VE, Camsari GB, Karydas A, Yokoyama JS, Grinberg LT, Boxer AL, Rosen HJ, Rankin KP, Gorno-Tempini ML, Coppola G, Geschwind DH, Rademakers R, Seeley WW, Graff-Radford NR, Miller BL

GRN and MAPT Mutations in 2 Frontotemporal Dementia Research Centers in Brazil.

Alzheimer disease and associated disorders

Takada LT, Bahia VS, Guimarães HC, Costa TV, Vale TC, Rodriguez RD, Porto FH, Machado JC, Beato RG, Cesar KG, Smid J, Nascimento CF, Grinberg LT, Brucki SM, Maximino JR, Camargos ST, Chadi G, Caramelli P, Nitrini R

Distinct Subtypes of Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia Based on Patterns of Network Degeneration.

JAMA neurology

Ranasinghe KG, Rankin KP, Pressman PS, Perry DC, Lobach IV, Seeley WW, Coppola G, Karydas AM, Grinberg LT, Shany-Ur T, Lee SE, Rabinovici GD, Rosen HJ, Gorno-Tempini ML, Boxer AL, Miller ZA, Chiong W, DeMay M, Kramer JH, Possin KL, Sturm VE, Bettcher BM, Neylan M, Zackey DD, Nguyen LA, Ketelle R, Block N, Wu TQ, Dallich A, Russek N, Caplan A, Geschwind DH, Vossel KA, Miller BL

Post-mortem assessment in vascular dementia: advances and aspirations.

BMC medicine

McAleese KE, Alafuzoff I, Charidimou A, De Reuck J, Grinberg LT, Hainsworth AH, Hortobagyi T, Ince P, Jellinger K, Gao J, Kalaria RN, Kovacs GG, Kövari E, Love S, Popovic M, Skrobot O, Taipa R, Thal DR, Werring D, Wharton SB, Attems J

Association between adiposity and systemic atherosclerosis: a protocol of a cross-sectional autopsy study.

Open heart

Nishizawa A, Suemoto CK, Farias DS, Campos FM, da Silva KC, Cuelho A, Leite RE, Ferretti-Rebustini RE, Grinberg LT, Farfel JM, Jacob-Filho W, Pasqualucci CA

Locus coeruleus volume and cell population changes during Alzheimer's disease progression: A stereological study in human postmortem brains with potential implication for early-stage biomarker discovery.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Theofilas P, Ehrenberg AJ, Dunlop S, Di Lorenzo Alho AT, Nguy A, Leite REP, Rodriguez RD, Mejia MB, Suemoto CK, Ferretti-Rebustini REL, Polichiso L, Nascimento CF, Seeley WW, Nitrini R, Pasqualucci CA, Jacob Filho W, Rueb U, Neuhaus J, Heinsen H, Grinberg LT

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Presenting as Alzheimer's Disease in a Retired Soccer Player.

Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD

Grinberg LT, Anghinah R, Nascimento CF, Amaro E, Leite RP, Martin Mda G, Naslavsky MS, Takada LT, Filho WJ, Pasqualucci CA, Nitrini R

Acetylated tau destabilizes the cytoskeleton in the axon initial segment and is mislocalized to the somatodendritic compartment.

Molecular neurodegeneration

Sohn PD, Tracy TE, Son HI, Zhou Y, Leite RE, Miller BL, Seeley WW, Grinberg LT, Gan L

Rest-activity rhythm disruption in progressive supranuclear palsy.

Sleep medicine

Walsh CM, Ruoff L, Varbel J, Walker K, Grinberg LT, Boxer AL, Kramer JH, Miller BL, Neylan TC

Do Copy Number Changes in CACNA2D2, CACNA2D3, and CACNA1D Constitute a Predisposing Risk Factor for Alzheimer's Disease?

Frontiers in genetics

Villela D, Suemoto CK, Pasqualucci CA, Grinberg LT, Rosenberg C

Argyrophilic Grain Disease: Demographics, Clinical, and Neuropathological Features From a Large Autopsy Study.

Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology

Rodriguez RD, Suemoto CK, Molina M, Nascimento CF, Leite RE, de Lucena Ferretti-Rebustini RE, Farfel JM, Heinsen H, Nitrini R, Ueda K, Pasqualucci CA, Jacob-Filho W, Yaffe K, Grinberg LT

Features of Patients With Nonfluent/Agrammatic Primary Progressive Aphasia With Underlying Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Pathology or Corticobasal Degeneration.

JAMA neurology

Santos-Santos MA, Mandelli ML, Binney RJ, Ogar J, Wilson SM, Henry ML, Hubbard HI, Meese M, Attygalle S, Rosenberg L, Pakvasa M, Trojanowski JQ, Grinberg LT, Rosen H, Boxer AL, Miller BL, Seeley WW, Gorno-Tempini ML

Differential DNA Methylation of MicroRNA Genes in Temporal Cortex from Alzheimer's Disease Individuals.

Neural plasticity

Villela D, Ramalho RF, Silva AR, Brentani H, Suemoto CK, Pasqualucci CA, Grinberg LT, Krepischi AC, Rosenberg C

Consensus statement for diagnosis of subcortical small vessel disease.

Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism

Rosenberg GA, Wallin A, Wardlaw JM, Markus HS, Montaner J, Wolfson L, Iadecola C, Zlokovic BV, Joutel A, Dichgans M, Duering M, Schmidt R, Korczyn AD, Grinberg LT, Chui HC, Hachinski V

Aging-related tau astrogliopathy (ARTAG): harmonized evaluation strategy.

Acta neuropathologica

Kovacs GG, Ferrer I, Grinberg LT, Alafuzoff I, Attems J, Budka H, Cairns NJ, Crary JF, Duyckaerts C, Ghetti B, Halliday GM, Ironside JW, Love S, Mackenzie IR, Munoz DG, Murray ME, Nelson PT, Takahashi H, Trojanowski JQ, Ansorge O, Arzberger T, Baborie A, Beach TG, Bieniek KF, Bigio EH, Bodi I, Dugger BN, Feany M, Gelpi E, Gentleman SM, Giaccone G, Hatanpaa KJ, Heale R, Hof PR, Hofer M, Hortobágyi T, Jellinger K, Jicha GA, Ince P, Kofler J, Kövari E, Kril JJ, Mann DM, Matej R, McKee AC, McLean C, Milenkovic I, Montine TJ, Murayama S, Lee EB, Rahimi J, Rodriguez RD, Rozemüller A, Schneider JA, Schultz C, Seeley W, Seilhean D, Smith C, Tagliavini F, Takao M, Thal DR, Toledo JB, Tolnay M, Troncoso JC, Vinters HV, Weis S, Wharton SB, White CL, Wisniewski T, Woulfe JM, Yamada M, Dickson DW

Primary chronic traumatic encephalopathy in an older patient with late-onset AD phenotype.

Neurology. Clinical practice

Fredericks CA, Koestler M, Seeley W, Miller B, Boxer A, Grinberg LT

Validity of the Katz Index to assess activities of daily living by informants in neuropathological studies.

Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P

Ferretti-Rebustini RE, Balbinotti MA, Jacob-Filho W, Rebustini F, Suemoto CK, Pasqualucci CA, Farfel JM, Leite RE, Grinberg LT, Nitrini R

Do age and sex impact on the absolute cell numbers of human brain regions?

Brain structure & function

Oliveira-Pinto AV, Andrade-Moraes CH, Oliveira LM, Parente-Bruno DR, Santos RM, Coutinho RA, Alho AT, Leite RE, Suemoto CK, Grinberg LT, Pasqualucci CA, Jacob-Filho W, Lent R

Three-dimensional and stereological characterization of the human substantia nigra during aging.

Brain structure & function

Di Lorenzo Alho AT, Suemoto CK, Polichiso L, Tampellini E, de Oliveira KC, Molina M, Santos GA, Nascimento C, Leite RE, de Lucena Ferreti-Rebustini RE, da Silva AV, Nitrini R, Pasqualucci CA, Jacob-Filho W, Heinsen H, Grinberg LT

Higher Prevalence of TDP-43 Proteinopathy in Cognitively Normal Asians: A Clinicopathological Study on a Multiethnic Sample.

Brain pathology (Zurich, Switzerland)

Nascimento C, Suemoto CK, Rodriguez RD, Alho AT, Leite RP, Farfel JM, Pasqualucci CA, Jacob-Filho W, Grinberg LT

A Long Journey from Childhood to Senility: The 23rd HUPO BPP Workshop: 16-17 April 2015, São Paulo, Brazil.


Magraoui FE, Schrötter A, Heinsen H, Leite R, Park YM, Meyer HE, Grinberg LT

Evidence for a-synuclein prions causing multiple system atrophy in humans with parkinsonism.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Prusiner SB, Woerman AL, Mordes DA, Watts JC, Rampersaud R, Berry DB, Patel S, Oehler A, Lowe JK, Kravitz SN, Geschwind DH, Glidden DV, Halliday GM, Middleton LT, Gentleman SM, Grinberg LT, Giles K

Precortical Phase of Alzheimer's Disease (AD)-Related Tau Cytoskeletal Pathology.

Brain pathology (Zurich, Switzerland)

Stratmann K, Heinsen H, Korf HW, Del Turco D, Ghebremedhin E, Seidel K, Bouzrou M, Grinberg LT, Bohl J, Wharton SB, den Dunnen W, Rüb U

Evaluating and treating neurobehavioral symptoms in professional American football players: Lessons from a case series.

Neurology. Clinical practice

Gardner RC, Possin KL, Hess CP, Huang EJ, Grinberg LT, Nolan AL, Cohn-Sheehy BI, Ghosh PM, Lanata S, Merrilees J, Kramer JH, Berger MS, Miller BL, Yaffe K, Rabinovici GD

The behavioural/dysexecutive variant of Alzheimer's disease: clinical, neuroimaging and pathological features.

Brain : a journal of neurology

Ossenkoppele R, Pijnenburg YA, Perry DC, Cohn-Sheehy BI, Scheltens NM, Vogel JW, Kramer JH, van der Vlies AE, La Joie R, Rosen HJ, van der Flier WM, Grinberg LT, Rozemuller AJ, Huang EJ, van Berckel BN, Miller BL, Barkhof F, Jagust WJ, Scheltens P, Seeley WW, Rabinovici GD

Alzheimer and vascular brain diseases: Focal and diffuse subforms.

Dementia & neuropsychologia

Engelhardt E, Grinberg LT

Enrichment of single neurons and defined brain regions from human brain tissue samples for subsequent proteome analysis.

Journal of neural transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996)

Molina M, Steinbach S, Park YM, Yun SY, Di Lorenzo Alho AT, Heinsen H, Grinberg LT, Marcus K, Leite RE, May C

Amyloid in dementia associated with familial FTLD: not an innocent bystander.


Naasan G, Rabinovici GD, Ghosh P, Elofson JD, Miller BL, Coppola G, Karydas A, Fong J, Perry D, Lee SE, Yokoyama JS, Seeley WW, Kramer JH, Weiner MW, Schuff N, Jagust WJ, Grinberg LT, Pribadi M, Yang Z, Sears R, Klein E, Wojta K, Rosen HJ

Existing Pittsburgh Compound-B positron emission tomography thresholds are too high: statistical and pathological evaluation.

Brain : a journal of neurology

Villeneuve S, Rabinovici GD, Cohn-Sheehy BI, Madison C, Ayakta N, Ghosh PM, La Joie R, Arthur-Bentil SK, Vogel JW, Marks SM, Lehmann M, Rosen HJ, Reed B, Olichney J, Boxer AL, Miller BL, Borys E, Jin LW, Huang EJ, Grinberg LT, DeCarli C, Seeley WW, Jagust W

d-serine levels in Alzheimer's disease: implications for novel biomarker development.

Translational psychiatry

Madeira C, Lourenco MV, Vargas-Lopes C, Suemoto CK, Brandão CO, Reis T, Leite RE, Laks J, Jacob-Filho W, Pasqualucci CA, Grinberg LT, Ferreira ST, Panizzutti R

Neuroproteomics: applications in neuroscience and neurology.

Biochimica et biophysica acta

Grinberg LT, Jimenez CR, Li KW

A novel mutation P112H in the TARDBP gene associated with frontotemporal lobar degeneration without motor neuron disease and abundant neuritic amyloid plaques.

Acta neuropathologica communications

Moreno F, Rabinovici GD, Karydas A, Miller Z, Hsu SC, Legati A, Fong J, Schonhaut D, Esselmann H, Watson C, Stephens ML, Kramer J, Wiltfang J, Seeley WW, Miller BL, Coppola G, Grinberg LT

Cognitive Correlates of Basal Forebrain Atrophy and Associated Cortical Hypometabolism in Mild Cognitive Impairment.

Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)

Grothe MJ, Heinsen H, Amaro E, Grinberg LT, Teipel SJ

Alzheimer and vascular brain disease: Senile dementia.

Dementia & neuropsychologia

Engelhardt E, Grinberg LT

Factors associated with morphometric brain changes in cognitively normal aging.

Dementia & neuropsychologia

Ferretti-Rebustini REL, Jacob-Filho W, Suemoto CK, Farfel JM, Leite REP, Grinberg LT, Pasqualucci CA, Nitrini R

Predicting amyloid status in corticobasal syndrome using modified clinical criteria, magnetic resonance imaging and fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography.

Alzheimer's research & therapy

Sha SJ, Ghosh PM, Lee SE, Corbetta-Rastelli C, Jagust WJ, Kornak J, Rankin KP, Grinberg LT, Vinters HV, Mendez MF, Dickson DW, Seeley WW, Gorno-Tempini M, Kramer J, Miller BL, Boxer AL, Rabinovici GD

Criminal behavior in frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer disease.

JAMA neurology

Liljegren M, Naasan G, Temlett J, Perry DC, Rankin KP, Merrilees J, Grinberg LT, Seeley WW, Englund E, Miller BL

Alois Alzheimer and vascular brain disease: Arteriosclerotic atrophy of the brain.

Dementia & neuropsychologia

Engelhardt E, Grinberg LT

Argyrophilic grain disease: An underestimated tauopathy.

Dementia & neuropsychologia

Rodriguez RD, Grinberg LT

Turning on the Light Within: Subcortical Nuclei of the Isodentritic Core and their Role in Alzheimer's Disease Pathogenesis.

Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD

Theofilas P, Dunlop S, Heinsen H, Grinberg LT

Complex network-driven view of genomic mechanisms underlying Parkinson's disease: analyses in dorsal motor vagal nucleus, locus coeruleus, and substantia nigra.

BioMed research international

Corradini BR, Iamashita P, Tampellini E, Farfel JM, Grinberg LT, Moreira-Filho CA

Sexual dimorphism in the human olfactory bulb: females have more neurons and glial cells than males.

PloS one

Oliveira-Pinto AV, Santos RM, Coutinho RA, Oliveira LM, Santos GB, Alho AT, Leite RE, Farfel JM, Suemoto CK, Grinberg LT, Pasqualucci CA, Jacob-Filho W, Lent R

Primary age-related tauopathy (PART): a common pathology associated with human aging.

Acta neuropathologica

Crary JF, Trojanowski JQ, Schneider JA, Abisambra JF, Abner EL, Alafuzoff I, Arnold SE, Attems J, Beach TG, Bigio EH, Cairns NJ, Dickson DW, Gearing M, Grinberg LT, Hof PR, Hyman BT, Jellinger K, Jicha GA, Kovacs GG, Knopman DS, Kofler J, Kukull WA, Mackenzie IR, Masliah E, McKee A, Montine TJ, Murray ME, Neltner JH, Santa-Maria I, Seeley WW, Serrano-Pozo A, Shelanski ML, Stein T, Takao M, Thal DR, Toledo JB, Troncoso JC, Vonsattel JP, White CL, Wisniewski T, Woltjer RL, Yamada M, Nelson PT

Clinicopathological Study of Patients With C9ORF72-Associated Frontotemporal Dementia Presenting With Delusions.

Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology

Shinagawa S, Naasan G, Karydas AM, Coppola G, Pribadi M, Seeley WW, Trojanowski JQ, Miller BL, Grinberg LT

Glutathione-mediated effects of lithium in decreasing protein oxidation induced by mitochondrial complex I dysfunction.

Journal of neural transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996)

Nascimento C, Kim HK, Young LT, Mendonça KM, Grinberg LT, Lafer B, Andreazza AC

Genetic modifiers in carriers of repeat expansions in the C9ORF72 gene.

Molecular neurodegeneration

van Blitterswijk M, Mullen B, Wojtas A, Heckman MG, Diehl NN, Baker MC, DeJesus-Hernandez M, Brown PH, Murray ME, Hsiung GY, Stewart H, Karydas AM, Finger E, Kertesz A, Bigio EH, Weintraub S, Mesulam M, Hatanpaa KJ, White CL, Neumann M, Strong MJ, Beach TG, Wszolek ZK, Lippa C, Caselli R, Petrucelli L, Josephs KA, Parisi JE, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Mackenzie IR, Seeley WW, Grinberg LT, Miller BL, Boylan KB, Graff-Radford NR, Boeve BF, Dickson DW, Rademakers R

The brainstem pathologies of Parkinson's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies.

Brain pathology (Zurich, Switzerland)

Seidel K, Mahlke J, Siswanto S, Krüger R, Heinsen H, Auburger G, Bouzrou M, Grinberg LT, Wicht H, Korf HW, den Dunnen W, Rüb U

A microdeletion in Alzheimer's disease disrupts NAMPT gene.

Journal of genetics

Villela D, Schlesinger D, Suemoto CK, Grinberg LT, Rosenberg C

Repair of oxidative DNA damage, cell-cycle regulation and neuronal death may influence the clinical manifestation of Alzheimer's disease.

PloS one

Silva AR, Santos AC, Farfel JM, Grinberg LT, Ferretti RE, Campos AH, Cunha IW, Begnami MD, Rocha RM, Carraro DM, de Bragança Pereira CA, Jacob-Filho W, Brentani H

Frontiers in neurodegeneration--new insights and prospects--20th HUPO BPP Workshop: 15 September 2013, Yokohama, Japan.


Schrötter A, El Magraoui F, Gröttrup B, Heinsen H, Marcus K, Meyer HE, Park YM, Grinberg LT

Distinct tau prion strains propagate in cells and mice and define different tauopathies.


Sanders DW, Kaufman SK, DeVos SL, Sharma AM, Mirbaha H, Li A, Barker SJ, Foley AC, Thorpe JR, Serpell LC, Miller TM, Grinberg LT, Seeley WW, Diamond MI

Ataxin-2 as potential disease modifier in C9ORF72 expansion carriers.

Neurobiology of aging

van Blitterswijk M, Mullen B, Heckman MG, Baker MC, DeJesus-Hernandez M, Brown PH, Murray ME, Hsiung GY, Stewart H, Karydas AM, Finger E, Kertesz A, Bigio EH, Weintraub S, Mesulam M, Hatanpaa KJ, White CL, Neumann M, Strong MJ, Beach TG, Wszolek ZK, Lippa C, Caselli R, Petrucelli L, Josephs KA, Parisi JE, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Mackenzie IR, Seeley WW, Grinberg LT, Miller BL, Boylan KB, Graff-Radford NR, Boeve BF, Dickson DW, Rademakers R

Developing new methods to answer old and new questions in neurodegenerative diseases: 21(st) Workshop of the HUPO Brain Proteome Project (HBPP) 23-24 January 2014, Honolulu, Hawaii.


El Magraoui F, Eisenacher M, Schrötter A, Kuhlmann K, Heinsen H, Andrén P, Nilsson P, Häggmark A, Schmitz G, Verhaert P, Borchers C, Yoo JS, Lee BH, Meyer HE, Grinberg LT

A novel approach for integrative studies on neurodegenerative diseases in human brains.

Journal of neuroscience methods

Theofilas P, Polichiso L, Wang X, Lima LC, Alho AT, Leite RE, Suemoto CK, Pasqualucci CA, Jacob-Filho W, Heinsen H

TMEM106B protects C9ORF72 expansion carriers against frontotemporal dementia.

Acta neuropathologica

van Blitterswijk M, Mullen B, Nicholson AM, Bieniek KF, Heckman MG, Baker MC, DeJesus-Hernandez M, Finch NA, Brown PH, Murray ME, Hsiung GY, Stewart H, Karydas AM, Finger E, Kertesz A, Bigio EH, Weintraub S, Mesulam M, Hatanpaa KJ, White CL, Strong MJ, Beach TG, Wszolek ZK, Lippa C, Caselli R, Petrucelli L, Josephs KA, Parisi JE, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Mackenzie IR, Seeley WW, Grinberg LT, Miller BL, Boylan KB, Graff-Radford NR, Boeve BF, Dickson DW, Rademakers R

Cerebrospinal fluid neurofilament concentration reflects disease severity in frontotemporal degeneration.

Annals of neurology

Scherling CS, Hall T, Berisha F, Klepac K, Karydas A, Coppola G, Kramer JH, Rabinovici G, Ahlijanian M, Miller BL, Seeley W, Grinberg LT, Rosen H, Meredith J, Boxer AL

Subregional basal forebrain atrophy in Alzheimer's disease: a multicenter study.

Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD

Kilimann I, Grothe M, Heinsen H, Alho EJ, Grinberg L, Amaro E, Dos Santos GA, da Silva RE, Mitchell AJ, Frisoni GB, Bokde AL, Fellgiebel A, Filippi M, Hampel H, Klöppel S, Teipel SJ

In vivo signatures of nonfluent/agrammatic primary progressive aphasia caused by FTLD pathology.


Caso F, Mandelli ML, Henry M, Gesierich B, Bettcher BM, Ogar J, Filippi M, Comi G, Magnani G, Sidhu M, Trojanowski JQ, Huang EJ, Grinberg LT, Miller BL, Dronkers N, Seeley WW, Gorno-Tempini ML

Practical utility of amyloid and FDG-PET in an academic dementia center.


Sánchez-Juan P, Ghosh PM, Hagen J, Gesierich B, Henry M, Grinberg LT, O'Neil JP, Janabi M, Huang EJ, Trojanowski JQ, Vinters HV, Gorno-Tempini M, Seeley WW, Boxer AL, Rosen HJ, Kramer JH, Miller BL, Jagust WJ, Rabinovici GD

Brain atrophy in primary progressive aphasia involves the cholinergic basal forebrain and Ayala's nucleus.

Psychiatry research

Teipel SJ, Flatz W, Ackl N, Grothe M, Kilimann I, Bokde AL, Grinberg L, Amaro E, Kljajevic V, Alho E, Knels C, Ebert A, Heinsen H, Danek A

Germline DNA copy number variation in individuals with Argyrophilic grain disease reveals CTNS as a plausible candidate gene.

Genetics and molecular biology

Villela D, Kimura L, Schlesinger D, Gonçalves A, Pearson PL, Suemoto CK, Pasqualucci C, Krepischi AC, Grinberg LT, Rosenberg C

Cholinergic basal forebrain atrophy predicts amyloid burden in Alzheimer's disease.

Neurobiology of aging

Teipel S, Heinsen H, Amaro E, Grinberg LT, Krause B, Grothe M

Cell number changes in Alzheimer's disease relate to dementia, not to plaques and tangles.

Brain : a journal of neurology

Andrade-Moraes CH, Oliveira-Pinto AV, Castro-Fonseca E, da Silva CG, Guimarães DM, Szczupak D, Parente-Bruno DR, Carvalho LR, Polichiso L, Gomes BV, Oliveira LM, Rodriguez RD, Leite RE, Ferretti-Rebustini RE, Jacob-Filho W, Pasqualucci CA, Grinberg LT, Lent R

The human cerebral cortex is neither one nor many: neuronal distribution reveals two quantitatively different zones in the gray matter, three in the white matter, and explains local variations in cortical folding.

Frontiers in neuroanatomy

Ribeiro PF, Ventura-Antunes L, Gabi M, Mota B, Grinberg LT, Farfel JM, Ferretti-Rebustini RE, Leite RE, Filho WJ, Herculano-Houzel S

Combined enrichment of neuromelanin granules and synaptosomes from human substantia nigra pars compacta tissue for proteomic analysis.

Journal of proteomics

Plum S, Helling S, Theiss C, Leite REP, May C, Jacob-Filho W, Eisenacher M, Kuhlmann K, Meyer HE, Riederer P, Grinberg LT, Gerlach M, Marcus K

Very low levels of education and cognitive reserve: a clinicopathologic study.


Farfel JM, Nitrini R, Suemoto CK, Grinberg LT, Ferretti RE, Leite RE, Tampellini E, Lima L, Farias DS, Neves RC, Rodriguez RD, Menezes PR, Fregni F, Bennett DA, Pasqualucci CA, Jacob Filho W

Progranulin mutations as risk factors for Alzheimer disease.

JAMA neurology

Perry DC, Lehmann M, Yokoyama JS, Karydas A, Lee JJ, Coppola G, Grinberg LT, Geschwind D, Seeley WW, Miller BL, Rosen H, Rabinovici G

TDP-43 frontotemporal lobar degeneration and autoimmune disease.

Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry

Miller ZA, Rankin KP, Graff-Radford NR, Takada LT, Sturm VE, Cleveland CM, Criswell LA, Jaeger PA, Stan T, Heggeli KA, Hsu SC, Karydas A, Khan BK, Grinberg LT, Gorno-Tempini ML, Boxer AL, Rosen HJ, Kramer JH, Coppola G, Geschwind DH, Rademakers R, Seeley WW, Wyss-Coray T, Miller BL

Argyrophilic grain disease differs from other tauopathies by lacking tau acetylation.

Acta neuropathologica

Grinberg LT, Wang X, Wang C, Sohn PD, Theofilas P, Sidhu M, Arevalo JB, Heinsen H, Huang EJ, Rosen H, Miller BL, Gan L, Seeley WW

Challenges in modern biomarker discovery--17th HUPO BPP workshop: May 24-25, 2012, Sao Paulo, Brazil.


Gröttrup B, Esselmann H, May C, Schrötter A, Woitalla D, Heinsen H, Marcus K, Wiltfang J, Meyer HE, Grinberg LT, Park YM

Prevalence of dementia subtypes in a developing country: a clinicopathological study.

Clinics (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

Grinberg LT, Nitrini R, Suemoto CK, Lucena Ferretti-Rebustini RE, Leite RE, Farfel JM, Santos E, Andrade MP, Alho AT, Lima Mdo C, Oliveira KC, Tampellini E, Polichiso L, Santos GB, Rodriguez RD, Ueda K, Pasqualucci CA, Jacob-Filho W

Transcriptional alterations related to neuropathology and clinical manifestation of Alzheimer's disease.

PloS one

Silva AR, Grinberg LT, Farfel JM, Diniz BS, Lima LA, Silva PJ, Ferretti RE, Rocha RM, Filho WJ, Carraro DM, Brentani H

Cerebral amyloid angiopathy impact on endothelium.

Experimental gerontology

Grinberg LT, Korczyn AD, Heinsen H

A 44-year-old man with profound behavioural changes.

The Canadian journal of neurological sciences. Le journal canadien des sciences neurologiques

Laforce R, Kerchner GA, Rabinovici GD, Fong JC, Miller BL, Seeley WW, Grinberg LT

Depression and cardiovascular risk factors: evidence from a large postmortem sample.

International journal of geriatric psychiatry

Suemoto CK, Damico MV, Ferretti RE, Grinberg LT, Farfel JM, Leite RE, Nitrini R, Lafer B, Jacob-Filho W, Pasqualucci CA

Vascular dementia.

Journal of the neurological sciences

Korczyn AD, Vakhapova V, Grinberg LT

Translational proteomics in neurodegenerative diseases--16th HUPO BPP workshop September 5, 2011 Geneva, Switzerland.


Gröttrup B, Böckmann M, Stephan C, Marcus K, Grinberg LT, Meyer HE, Park YM

Amyloid vs FDG-PET in the differential diagnosis of AD and FTLD.


Rabinovici GD, Rosen HJ, Alkalay A, Kornak J, Furst AJ, Agarwal N, Mormino EC, O'Neil JP, Janabi M, Karydas A, Growdon ME, Jang JY, Huang EJ, Dearmond SJ, Trojanowski JQ, Grinberg LT, Gorno-Tempini ML, Seeley WW, Miller BL, Jagust WJ

African ancestry protects against Alzheimer's disease-related neuropathology.

Molecular psychiatry

Schlesinger D, Grinberg LT, Alba JG, Naslavsky MS, Licinio L, Farfel JM, Suemoto CK, de Lucena Ferretti RE, Leite RE, de Andrade MP, dos Santos AC, Brentani H, Pasqualucci CA, Nitrini R, Jacob-Filho W, Zatz M

Clinical aspects of neurodegenerative diseases - 15th HUPO BPP Workshop April 8-9, 2011, Bochum, Germany.


Gröttrup B, Böckmann M, Marcus K, Wiltfang J, Grinberg LT, Meyer HE, Park YM

Neuropathologic features associated with Alzheimer disease diagnosis: age matters.


Middleton LE, Grinberg LT, Miller B, Kawas C, Yaffe K

Effect of laser phototherapy on wound healing following cerebral ischemia by cryogenic injury.

Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, Biology

Moreira MS, Velasco IT, Ferreira LS, Ariga SK, Abatepaulo F, Grinberg LT, Marques MM

Atherosclerosis and dementia: a cross-sectional study with pathological analysis of the carotid arteries.


Suemoto CK, Nitrini R, Grinberg LT, Ferretti RE, Farfel JM, Leite RE, Menezes PR, Fregni F, Jacob-Filho W, Pasqualucci CA

Creating a human brain proteome atlas--14th HUPO BPP workshop September 20-21, 2010, Sydney, Australia.


Gröttrup B, Marcus K, Grinberg LT, Lee SK, Meyer HE, Park YM

Brainstem: neglected locus in neurodegenerative diseases.

Frontiers in neurology

Grinberg LT, Rueb U, Heinsen H

Creating a human brain proteome atlas--13th HUPO BPP Workshop March 30-31, 2010, Ochang, Korea.


Gröttrup B, Stephan C, Marcus K, Grinberg LT, Wiltfang J, Lee SK, Kim YH, Meyer HE, Park YM

Staging Alzheimer's disease progression with multimodality neuroimaging.

Progress in neurobiology

Ewers M, Frisoni GB, Teipel SJ, Grinberg LT, Amaro E, Heinsen H, Thompson PM, Hampel H

Brazilian psychiatric brain bank: a new contribution tool to network studies.

Cell and tissue banking

de Oliveira KC, Nery FG, Ferreti RE, Lima MC, Cappi C, Machado-Lima A, Polichiso L, Carreira LL, Ávila C, Alho AT, Brentani HP, Miguel EC, Heinsen H, Jacob-Filho W, Pasqualucci CA, Lafer B, Grinberg LT

Morphometric post-mortem studies in bipolar disorder: possible association with oxidative stress and apoptosis.

The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology

Gigante AD, Young LT, Yatham LN, Andreazza AC, Nery FG, Grinberg LT, Heinsen H, Lafer B

Toward a pathological definition of vascular dementia.

Journal of the neurological sciences

Grinberg LT, Heinsen H

Morphometric brain changes during aging: Results from a Brazilian necropsy sample.

Dementia & neuropsychologia

Ferretti REL, Jacob-Filho W, Grinberg LT, Leite REP, Farfel JM, Suemoto CK, Saldiva PHN, Rosemberg S, Pasqualucci CA, Nitrini R

The cholinergic system in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease: an in vivo MRI and DTI study.

Human brain mapping

Teipel SJ, Meindl T, Grinberg L, Grothe M, Cantero JL, Reiser MF, Möller HJ, Heinsen H, Hampel H

Post-Mortem diagnosis of dementia by informant interview.

Dementia & neuropsychologia

Ferretti REL, Damin AE, Brucki SMD, Morillo LS, Perroco TR, Campora F, Moreira EG, Balbino ÉS, Lima MDCA, Battela C, Ruiz L, Grinberg LT, Farfel JM, Leite REP, Suemoto CK, Pasqualucci CA, Rosemberg S, Saldiva PHN, Jacob-Filho W, Nitrini R

Vascular pathology in the aged human brain.

Acta neuropathologica

Grinberg LT, Thal DR

Association between cardiovascular disease and dementia.

Dementia & neuropsychologia

Suemoto CK, Ferretti RE, Grinberg LT, de Oliveira KC, Farfel JM, Leite REP, Nitrini R, Jacob Filho W, Pasqualucci CA

Non-inflammatory cerebral amyloid angiopathy as a cause of rapidly progressive dementia: A case study.

Dementia & neuropsychologia

Takada LT, Camiz P, Grinberg LT, Leite CDC

Brainstem pathology and non-motor symptoms in PD.

Journal of the neurological sciences

Grinberg LT, Rueb U, Alho AT, Heinsen H

Toward a Successful Clinical Neuroproteomics The 11th HUPO Brain Proteome Project Workshop 3 March, 2009, Kolymbari, Greece.

Proteomics. Clinical applications

Kim YH, Marcus K, Grinberg LT, Goehler H, Wiltfang J, Stephan C, Eisenacher M, Hardt T, Martens L, J Dunn M, Park YM, Meyer HE

The dorsal raphe nucleus shows phospho-tau neurofibrillary changes before the transentorhinal region in Alzheimer's disease. A precocious onset?

Neuropathology and applied neurobiology

Grinberg LT, Rüb U, Ferretti RE, Nitrini R, Farfel JM, Polichiso L, Gierga K, Jacob-Filho W, Heinsen H

Equal numbers of neuronal and nonneuronal cells make the human brain an isometrically scaled-up primate brain.

The Journal of comparative neurology

Azevedo FA, Carvalho LR, Grinberg LT, Farfel JM, Ferretti RE, Leite RE, Jacob Filho W, Lent R, Herculano-Houzel S

Improved detection of incipient vascular changes by a biotechnological platform combining post mortem MRI in situ with neuropathology.

Journal of the neurological sciences

Grinberg LT, Amaro Junior E, da Silva AV, da Silva RE, Sato JR, dos Santos DD, de Paula Pacheco S, de Lucena Ferretti RE, Paraizo Leite RE, Pasqualucci CA, Teipel SJ, Flatz WH

Argyrophilic grain disease: an update about a frequent cause of dementia.

Dementia & neuropsychologia

Grinberg LT, Heinsen H

Human apolipoprotein A-I binds amyloid-beta and prevents Abeta-induced neurotoxicity.

The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology

Paula-Lima AC, Tricerri MA, Brito-Moreira J, Bomfim TR, Oliveira FF, Magdesian MH, Grinberg LT, Panizzutti R, Ferreira ST

How to run a brain bank--revisited.

Cell and tissue banking

Ravid R, Grinberg LT

Clinico-pathological discrepancies in the diagnoses of solid malignancies.

Pathology, research and practice

Grinberg LT, Ferraz da Silva LF, Galtarossa Xavier AC, Nascimento Saldiva PH, Mauad T

ALS and FTLD: two faces of TDP-43 proteinopathy.

European journal of neurology

Liscic RM, Grinberg LT, Zidar J, Gitcho MA, Cairns NJ

Assessment of factors that confound MRI and neuropathological correlation of human postmortem brain tissue.

Cell and tissue banking

Grinberg LT, Amaro E, Teipel S, dos Santos DD, Pasqualucci CA, Leite RE, Camargo CR, Gonçalves JA, Sanches AG, Santana M, Ferretti RE, Jacob-Filho W, Nitrini R, Heinsen H

Novel MRI techniques in the assessment of dementia.

European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging

Teipel SJ, Meindl T, Grinberg L, Heinsen H, Hampel H

Clinicopathological correlates of Alzheimer's disease in a general autopsy series from Brazil.

Dementia & neuropsychologia

Grinberg LT, Ferretti REL, Leite REP, Farfel JM, Pacheco SP, Alho ATDL, Grisoli RP, Matos HTM, Moreira EG, Balbino ES, Oliveira KC, Rosemberg S, Carvalho HB, Pasquallucci CAG, Saldiva PHN, Jacob-Filho W, Nitrini R

Neuropathologic diagnostic and nosologic criteria for frontotemporal lobar degeneration: consensus of the Consortium for Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration.

Acta neuropathologica

Cairns NJ, Bigio EH, Mackenzie IR, Neumann M, Lee VM, Hatanpaa KJ, White CL, Schneider JA, Grinberg LT, Halliday G, Duyckaerts C, Lowe JS, Holm IE, Tolnay M, Okamoto K, Yokoo H, Murayama S, Woulfe J, Munoz DG, Dickson DW, Ince PG, Trojanowski JQ, Mann DM

Computer-assisted 3D reconstruction of the human basal forebrain complex.

Dementia & neuropsychologia

Grinberg LT, Heinsen H

Neuropathologic heterogeneity in HDDD1: a familial frontotemporal lobar degeneration with ubiquitin-positive inclusions and progranulin mutation.

Alzheimer disease and associated disorders

Behrens MI, Mukherjee O, Tu PH, Liscic RM, Grinberg LT, Carter D, Paulsmeyer K, Taylor-Reinwald L, Gitcho M, Norton JB, Chakraverty S, Goate AM, Morris JC, Cairns NJ

Brain bank of the Brazilian aging brain study group - a milestone reached and more than 1,600 collected brains.

Cell and tissue banking

Grinberg LT, Ferretti RE, Farfel JM, Leite R, Pasqualucci CA, Rosemberg S, Nitrini R, Saldiva PH, Filho WJ

Abnormal alveolar attachments with decreased elastic fiber content in distal lung in fatal asthma.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Mauad T, Silva LF, Santos MA, Grinberg L, Bernardi FD, Martins MA, Saldiva PH, Dolhnikoff M

Policy statement on FDA reform. Food and Drug Administration.

BETA : bulletin of experimental treatments for AIDS : a publication of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation

Baker R, Delaney M, Getty J, Grinberg L, Levin J